
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Love, passion, romance and desire… Sultry Nights - A Limited Edition Romance Collection

18++ Containing Stories from: Nicole Morgan, Jocelyn Dex, Alison Foster, Kate Richards, Linda O'Connor, Samantha Holt, Jerrie Alexander, Whitley Cox, Krista Ames, Ursula Sinclair, Measha Stone, Tuesday Embers, Siera London, Rachel Shane, Bonnie Phelps, Misha Elliott, Alyson Reynolds, Jenna Bayley-Burke, Madison Michael, Pepper Goodrich, Marcia James, Destiny Blaine 


Published: November 7th, 2017

Love, passion, romance and desire… No matter what your preference, this set of 22 hot and sexy reads has just what you need. From surprise love affairs to bad boys that we can’t help but fall for, and couples that were meant to be, this compilation from Romance Collections is sure to please your every single need. 

Carried Away by Jenna Bayley-Burke 

Lust brought them together. Will love tear them apart? 
Any woman would willingly lock lips with sexy Mateo Torres. 
But probably not on stage. 
During a lap dance. 
At her ex’s bachelor party. 
Any man would easily get wrapped up in Carrie Nielson. 
But probably not with a crowd cheering them on. 
For his last performance. 
As an exotic dancer. 

Mateo has a past as dark as his eyes, but the best way to convince everyone she hasn’t lost her damn mind is to pretend they’re lovers. 

Until they’re not pretending.


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages being a part of an anthology?
I’ve been in small anthologies before, but a box set is a completely different animal. With an anthology, the theme is tighter and there is usually some unifying element. For example, I wrote Anything For A Cowboy after a friend and I came up with the idea of a western online dating site, We roped in another friend and we all wrote a story about couples who used the site. The first Not My 1st Rodeo anthology did so well, we did a second. (A third is in the works.)

Box sets have a looser theme, and often vary in subgenre. I tried a box set a few years back with an erotica title. I never knew what I was expected to do, and I’m guessing the other authors felt the same because it bombed. This year I wanted to try a box set again because I’ve seen so many find new readers that way. My first, Hot & Sinful Nights, made the USA Today Bestseller list last month. The set publisher laid out her expectations before we signed on, and the promotional piece was shared between all the authors, which meant there was a lot of visibility for the set. I learned more about marketing from being a part of that set than from any class I’ve taken or book I’ve read. The Sultry Nights box set is from a different publisher and it has been interesting to see the differing approaches.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same – you have a lot of people to share the work, and you have a lot of people with opinions about what work to do.

2. What are the challenges when writing a short story?
I have a novel in this set, so... The challenge to writing any short story is having enough conflict to give the reader a pay off, but not so much that they want the story to be a book.

3. “Love, passion, romance and desire…” what are the limits and what are the rules when writing about these?
It depends on what you’re writing. For my erotica, desire and passion take the lead so anything goes as long as it’s safe, sane & consensual. With my sexy romcoms, love and romance drive the story. We want to be part of the journey of two people falling in love and getting caught up in the romance of it, so the passion in the story must be believable for the characters.

4. What is the definition (and the recipe) of a bad boy and why we love them?
So... Mateo is only a bad boy on the outside. Inside, he’s a foster kid who became an exotic dance to put himself through law school so he could clear his father’s name and get him released from prison. Maybe that’s the secret. Hard candy shell, rich sweetness within.

5. Tell us about your other works.
This has been a crazy busy year for me. Two box sets, two anthologies, two romantic comedies, three billionaires, four beach reads... Two novellas are my final releases of the year. Anything For a Cowboy & Captivating the Cowboy release on cyber Monday (11/27). They were previously only available as part of the Not My 1st Rodeo anthologies.

6. What makes the difference between a good book and a successful one?
That’s completely up to the readers. I could study the market, write what’s popular, and spend thousands of hours and dollars on marketing and promotion – and the book might not find its audience. I can tell a story that might be different from what’s expected and release with a next to nothing advertising budget, but if the story resonates with enough readers, it will hit. I’ve experienced it both ways. It’s out of my control. It’s my job to tell the best story I can and put it out with enough promotion that readers know it’s available. Anything that happens after that is a gift from the reader. Successful books are made by readers, not authors.


“We really should practice a few things, so we’re believable tomorrow.” 

“Like?” His heart thudded in his chest at all the things her suggestion might mean. She was such an captivating mixture of daring words and innocent blushes he didn’t know what to hope for. 

Carrie slid down into his lap like she’d done it a million times before. “Like kissing.” 

“If you insist.” He’d been dying to know if her kiss on stage had been so potent because of the atmosphere. Sliding his mouth against hers she moaned softly. 

“What?” He looked at her, her eyes closed, her face holding a dreamy expression. 

“Nothing, it’s just nice to be kissed.” Without opening her eyes she leaned closer. 

Guilt rushed at him. The reason for her innocent look, her trouble with their performance earlier, came to him in a flash. “You haven’t kissed someone since Kevin, have you?” 

Her eyelids fluttered open. “There’s this really hot guy I danced with downstairs. Maybe I should go find him again.” 

About the author:
USA Today Bestselling Author Jenna Bayley-Burke is known for hot and sexy romance, and if you think the books are funny, romantic comedy. If not, forget that bit. 

Event Giveaway
The authors are giving away lots of goodies with this tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Don't forget you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops.
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. No I haven't read anything by these authors. I would like to check out carried away.
