
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

his darkest secret - A Second Daniel by Neal Roberts

"For anyone who delights in Shakespearean literature, be prepared for ingenious allusions to many of the Bard’s plays. Spoiler: If you enjoy Shakespeare’s use of malapropist constables, prepare to encounter a hilarious one here.Whatever your subjective reading of A Second Daniel, you are sure to discover Neal Roberts to be a highly gifted wordsmith, a wizard who spins a spellbinding cliffhanger with masterful control of historical detail." - Amazon, Babette


Published:: September 29th, 2015

London 1558.
An orphan from a far-off land is renamed “Noah Ames,” and given every advantage the English Crown can bestow.

London 1592.
Now an experienced barrister, Noah witnesses what appears to be a botched robbery outside the Rose Theater, a crime he soon suspects to be part of a plot against Queen Elizabeth herself. Steadfast in his loyalty to the Queen, Noah must use every bit of his knowledge and skill to lure her most disloyal subject onto the only battlefield where Noah has the advantage ... a court of law – though in doing so he risks public exposure of his darkest secret, a secret so shocking that its revelation could cost him everything: the love of the only woman who can offer him happiness, his livelihood ... even his life.

"What a great story that was told with such imagination that I felt like I was an observer in the life of the hero. I have recommended this to all my friends and intend on giving it as a gift. This is the kind of book that when it's finished you think about it a lot and realize you want to go back and read it again." - Amazon, Gayle

About the author:
Neal Roberts and his wife live on Long Island, New York, where they have two grown children. Neal is a practicing attorney and adjunct law professor, and spends as much time as possible researching his next novel while enhancing his lawyer's pallor. When he's not writing Elizabethan politico-legal novels, practicing law, or teaching, he's an editor of an international peer-reviewed publication in the field of intellectual property law. Neal is also an avid student of Elizabethan literature and politics, which subjects form the basis of his first novel, A Second Daniel. His analysis of Shakespeare's Sonnet 121 has been extensively cited by some of the most important authorities seeking to identify the true author of the poems and plays attributed to William Shakespeare.

Learn more about Neal or download your free short by visiting

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