
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

She’ll need all of her courage - Jane Blond International Spy by Brianna Schatt, Stan Schatt

Fourteen year old Jane thought getting through high school was difficult enough with her dad in prison and her mother dating. 
Throw in being bullied by the popular girl who has everything- it’s completely unbearable. 


Published: October 19th, 2015

Fourteen year old Jane thought getting through high school was difficult enough with her dad in prison and her mother dating. Throw in being bullied by the popular girl who has everything- it’s completely unbearable. But when terrorists kidnap a boy she cares about, she knows she is the only one who can save him. International Spy, Jane Blond, must prevent terrorists from blowing up her school during the President’s visit. She’ll need all of her courage along with the help of a teen with CIA secrets, a friend with Asperger’s and a parrot with an attitude.

"This mystery is phenomenal![...] I thoroughly enjoyed it enough to read in one day! These characters are developed and the story is original with loads of creativity! The pace is nice and fast, but not obscenely so. I actually found a wonderful rhythm and kept on trucking through the chapters with excitement. I would highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys young adult mystery and suspense. It is a wonderful read and I look forward to reading more by these incredible authors!" - Goodreads, Lauren Jones
About the authors:
Dr. Stan Schatt spent many years as a futurist responsible for forecasting future technology products and markets for Fortune 500 companies. He served as a Fulbright Professor and taught at Tokyo University, USC, and the University of Houston. He is the author of over thirty books ranging from science fiction and paranormal mysteries to young adult novels. Schatt is a technology expert who has been quoted in the New York Times, Fortune, and BusinessWeek as well as CNBC.

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Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds very interesting! Love this blog.

  2. I love spy stories and Mythical Books! Thanks! !

  3. The blurb sounds good =D and I <3 Mythical Books!

  4. Sounds like a great read! Love this blog! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Awesome blog, thank you for sharing!

  6. I love mythical book and this book sounds like a great read

  7. This seems to be an amazing book! Thank you for this chance!

  8. It sounds like it will be a good read. The cover looks pretty good.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  9. The link to visit Stan Schatt on Facebook gives an error message.
    I'd love to read the paperback as I don't have a way to read ebooks. I can also share the paperback with my sisters :)

  10. Great post! This book sounds like such an interesting, exciting, and intriguing read! Totally looking forward to reading this book!

  11. The book cover is a lot of fun, and the synopsis sounds interesting! Thanks for hosting! :-)

  12. Sounds great,thanks for the giveaway :)

  13. I am constantly amazed by the wonderful books I am seeing reviewed. Thanks for making aware of them!

  14. The cover and description are great! I hope that it is a big success! Mythical Books is great!

  15. The yellow light on the cover just draws me in and I love the African Grey Parrot :)

  16. Congratulations on the new release

    Just to let you know..the FB link on the rafflecopter is not working and I am unable to locate either author on FB.
