
Saturday, October 3, 2015

2015 October Frights Blog Hop #Giveaway International

Click HERE to see the list of blogs participating to this hop!

You can choose any Paranormal or Horror book, up to 20$.

MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon 
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
The winner has 3 days to claim the prize by sending an email with: his/her name, address and the chosen book
Good luck!
the winner was announced on 15th of October and it is under the condition to prove that at 6th of Oct. she was a GFC follower
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the worlds authors create, anything can happen and that really appeals to me. I am an huge fan of PNR and UF series!

  2. I have always loved horror stories and they just transferred into the Paranormal genre.

  3. I read paranormal/horror because I know there are other worlds that we can't see.

  4. I read paranormal but not horror :)

  5. I don't read horror but I do love Paranormal. The unexpected and characters are amazing reads.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  6. I love reading paranormal romance and urban fantasy as an escape from real life.

    Thank you for a spooktacular stop on the October Frights Hop, and for the fab giveaway. Hop on over to my October Frights Giveaway at From the Shadows for a chance to win urban fantasy audiobooks and more.

  7. I read paranormal for much the same reason I read fantasy, because I love the creativity and imagination behind the stories, worlds, and characters. I read horror because I still enjoy the feeling of being scared, yet in a safe place in real life ;-) And it persists even though I'm 40 and no longer a young'un who feels invincible and loves to be scared beyond belief!

  8. Paranormal books are really entertaining to read. ;) Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. I've always loved horror. I don't scare easily so I guess I'm always looking for the excitement of the one that will totally creep me out! Lol!

  10. Would have entered the rafflecopter but I have no idea what my GFC name is LOL. Good post though.

  11. What a great giveaway! I'm often on your site because I have a weekly feature on my blog called Friday Freebies where I list book giveaways. You always have a great ones and I plug them every week on my site and link back to you. Thanks for everything you do and enjoy the hop! :)

  12. I read horror and paranormal/supernatural books for a variety of reasons. I read horror books for the feeling of being frightened, yet knowing that I'm safe at the same time. I love delving into those magical worlds of the supernatural/paranormal and exploring the possibility that magic really exists.

  13. For the thrill it gives me when I read it. :D Thank you!

  14. I usually read more paranormal than horror.

  15. it's fun reading horror story
    thx u for hosting :)

  16. Because it's a fun read and I like impracticable.

  17. I love the intense feelings I get from horror novels. The suspense, the cringe, everything. It makes me feel alive.

  18. Paranormal, because I have never been a fan of horror

  19. I read these type books to find out how things happen and what you can do, or what not to do when it does happen. Sometimes I think the characters should do one thing and they do another. If a mystery is also involved, all the better :)

  20. I love the larger-than-life heroes, heroines, and situations, and they're a great escape!

  21. Sometimes I need a thrill to entertain myself with scary or suspense feel
    And I think horror and paranormal are better than romance

  22. I love PNR because anything can happen

  23. I love paranormal because of the thrill and sometimes its magical. It takes my mind of the normal stuff in live!

  24. I like paranormal books because it is fun to read something that is strange or scary.

  25. I've always enjoyed reading paranormal books. I've just always had a love and fascination for all supernatural creatures, and the escape that comes with reading about such an imaginative and intriguing world from which they come.


    (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

  26. I read PNR because they provide the thrill of been in dangerous situations without being really there and anything can happen in them

  27. I read them because they are thrilling and I love the creativity and imagination that goes into them.

  28. Because it`s different from romance reads :)

  29. They're exciting and thrilling! :3

  30. I like monsters and creepy things. It is a fun escape. It is exciting and spooky.

  31. I enjoy paranormal books because anything can happen and usually does.

  32. I like paranormal and horror because you can loose yourself in a good spooky or exciting story !
