Publication dates: eBook June 9th, 2015 / Paperback August 18th, 2015
Rayna entered Hell to save Kade. Kade entered to protect Rayna. Both have failed.
Centuries of Kade’s demons are unearthed when he is brainwashed and used as a Fallen pawn.
In the freezing pits of Hell, Ray is beaten and tortured, pushed to her breaking point. She takes a stand, firing back at her attackers though she’s only begun to understand the true strength of her wings. A strength she will need once she uncovers the evils that await on Earth.
Together they find solace, alone they will fight.
When I first wrote A Shimmer of Angels (the first book in The Angel Sight series) I had the idea to go with a black and white theme. Cam, the lead angel in the book has white wings, and Kade, the Fallen angel, has black wings. From there ideas grew and changed, eventually leading to a realization that some characters would have to cross the line from good to bad, or from black and white, into the gray.
The difference between angels and Fallen in the series goes beyond just the color of their wings. The angels are guided by a list of rules, created to take orders and help humans. But because of the way the rules are written, some can be skirted, edged around if navigated just so. Cam demonstrates this with Rayna in a scene from A SLITHER OF HOPE. However, not all angels are created the same. In the very same scene with Cam and Rayna, we meet Cam’s superior, Elyon who is a higher ranking angel. With his station comes certain abilities the other angels don’t have, abilities that can allow him to break angel rules without consequence. Shady makings, no?
Angels Vs Demons and the blurred lines between

The Angel Sight series is mostly based in a real world setting sprinkled with fantasy elements. The reality and grittiness of the real world is what influenced certain characters to cross the line of morality. Even Rayna, the story’s main character, has had to make choices that weren’t entirely good. She began her journey questioning her sanity, eventually she discovers things from her past have been kept from her, and she quickly becomes an asset to both sides of the angel/Fallen war. Thrown into the middle of this chaos, any one is bound to make choices that aren’t necessarily the most moral, and Rayna is no different.

The Fallen are angels that have broken the rules and faced the consequences. Emotions of anger, despair, and confusion drive the former angels onto a darker path where they’re allowed any pleasure with few rules to stop them. Then we have Kade, lead Fallen angel in the series. We see him behaving badly, but also helping Rayna, doing good deeds, and showing not all is as it seems.
The gray areas twist a new dimension into the books. This dichotomy of where lines are drawn and which character might cross them kept me on constant edge when I was writing each book, and I hope it will do the same for the readers. Never were Ray, Cam, and Kade tested more than in A MATTER OF TIME. I’m so excited for the release of the third and final book in The Angel Sight series and I hope the gray intrigues the readers enough to pick up a copy on June 9th.
About the author:
Lisa M. Basso was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She is a lover of books, video games, animals, and baking (not baking with animals though). As a child she would crawl into worlds of her own creation and get lost for hours. Her love for YA fiction started with a simple school reading assignment: S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. When not reading or writing she can usually be found at home with The Best Boyfriend that Ever Lived ™ and her two darling (and sometimes evil) cats, Kitties A and B.
this series looks interesting!
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing this I want to read the series. So thank you!