
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Stupidparty Math v Myth: Unmasking the Destructive Forces Eroding American Democracy by Patrick M. Andendall

From Goodreads: "This book is a fun study of sociology, and if you’re looking for a conversation starter, it will keep the dinnertime banter going for hours. It will make you laugh out loud, roll your eyes, and simply wonder in astonishment at the ignorance representing such a large portion of our population. If you’re burned out or disgusted with politics, I urge you to give Annendall’s book a try. In the least it will entertain, but it might also reignite some of the passion you once felt for democracy."


Stupidparty Math v. Myth: Unmasking the Destructive Forces Eroding American Democracy relies on publicly available facts, resources and tools to deconstruct and relentlessly drill down on the numerous misconceptions held by too many Republicans. Substantiated by more than 1,500 hyperlinks to authoritative resources, readers will find:

Stupidparty positions defrocked on: the "Moochers", the economy, climate change, environmental stewardship, racism, religion, "Freedoms", guns, and ignorance-based humor. 
The fallacy of Fox News facts exposed, documented, and explained. 

Also included are 1,055 full color images and 121 graphs and charts.

Once thoughtful, discerning Americans understand the destructive forces manipulating their views, they will begin to call for a stop to the stupidity that has invaded our politics and poisoned our political process. The eradication of Stupid from the Stupidparty is the first step.

This book does not set out to destroy the Republican Party. The U.S. needs at least two parties. But by exposing the abundance of Myth with the relentless use of Math and facts, the problems and then the solutions become self-evident.

Myth Makers Making News: Politics in Their Own Words 

I have been called a “disillusioned conservative” (Kirkus Reviews) and I’m not alone. Bobby Jindal, Louisiana’s former Republican Governor, summed it up best when he said "We've got to stop being the stupid party." 

Here are a few of my favorite quotes*: 

The more toppings a man has on his pizza, I believe the more manly he is. A manly man don’t want it piled high with vegetables! He would call that a sissy pizza.” —Herman Cain 

Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.” —Rush Limbaugh 

Well, I learned a lot. . . . I went down [to Latin America] to find out from them and their views. You’d be surprised. They’re all individual countries.” —Ronald Reagan 

But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies.” —Sarah Palin 

We have a lot of work to do. It’s a very hard struggle, particularly given the situation on the Iraq–Pakistan border.” ~ (the countries share no common border) —John McCain 

I think gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman. —Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Capital punishment is our way of demonstrating the sanctity of life.” —Orin Hatch 

I don’t think we came from monkeys. I think that’s ridiculous. I haven’t seen a half-monkey/half-person yet.” —Glenn Beck 

* I can’t make this stuff up. I link to them in the eBook and show the link in the print book. The print book has colored coded links. There are more than 1,500 sources and anyone who buys the print book will get the eBook free. 

In my book Stupidparty Math v.Myth I take the reader through the common misconceptions popularized by the “stupidparty.” Issues such as job creation, threats to our so called freedoms, environmental stewardship, and a dozen others are deconstructed. These are complex issues and I hope my book helps readers see the issues more clearly. I invite you to learn more at and please join our mailing list.

About the author:
Patrick Andendall has always had an interest in politics and, being multicultural, he views issues from a more international perspective. In 2004, five days before the election, he flew to Cleveland and pitched in to help with the political process. What he discovered was the dissolution of the American Dream, which he writes about in his book, Stupidparty.

Educated at English boarding schools from the age of seven, Andendall went on to graduate from Lancing College. He started by sometimes working three jobs at once, trainee Underwriter/claim broker at Lloyd's of London, his own one man cleaning Company (cleaning the very offices of a Reinsurance Company he would transact business at) plus doing seasonal work on various farms.

Having made some windfall profits by borrowing money in order to be a "Stag" to take advantage of opportunities created by Margaret Thatcher's de nationalization policies of the mid 1980's, Andendall evolved into an entrepreneur with a core specialty in Reinsurance in London and New York where he looks for patterns in numbers. Self-employed in a field not normally conducive to self-employment, he is able remain in control, juggle different jobs, travel and pursue his various interests.

Ending up in New York via romance in the African bush, Andendall now lives on Long Island with his wife, two children and two dogs.

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