
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"[E]motionally charged tale/s about those who wronged us and how we learned to be the best we can be today because of them." - Happily (N)ever After Anthology

Published: November 25th, 2014


Sometimes you are lucky enough to dodge a bullet...but sometimes it strikes straight to the heart without an exit wound. It rattles around, leaks out our trust, and brings us to our knees making us wonder; why the %&$@ did I date you!?

From the darkness of emotional and/or physical pains we crawled out and eventually found a way to dust ourselves off and carry on with life.

So let these stories serve as a guide, that all that glitters is not always gold. That the felling of the hairs rising on the back of your neck is a warning, a primal scream to let us know that some things are not as they seem. Trust your gut. Yes, some people are worth fighting for but others have somehow tricked us into seeing a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

With hindsight fully engaged, we can now see the clarity of our past and appreciate the lessons we learned in our very own happily never after.

Authors- Aramey, Emilie E. Faye, C.L. Foster, A.M. Hart, Allana Kephart, Jennie Lee, K.B. Mathias, Megan J. Parker, E.R. Rada, David Roraff

Happily (N)ever After is a series of short stories about past relationships we look back on and wonder what we were thinking. Each short story is an emotionally charged tale about those who wronged us and how we learned to be the best we can be today because of them. - Goodreads

Today we have the honor to present you Mrs. C.L. Foster. She has some secrets to share:

5 things they might not know
I have OCD (mild form, but if things are messy, my brain can’t function)
I dont like the taste of coffee, but love the smell
When writing, I must have: glasses, water, eyedrops, chapstick, and music.
I hardly sleep (not a vampire, I swear), but try very hard to.. stupid insomnia -_-
If I could get paid to travel, I would. In a heartbeat. I love culture and the world.
When writing, I NEED music. I truly sometimes just close my eyes and feel the music and let it move me. That might sound weird but my muse is driven by water and lyrics/melody. lol If writing a fight scene, I have a playlist with everything from Avenged Sevenfold to Zedd .. seriously. Its crazy eclectic. When doing general writing, I listen to classical and instrumentals. I have the most epic playlist omg. I will share it if you want/need.. but you gotta ask me for it! Come to my author page and say “I need musicccccccc” (and dont be shocked if I go bananas! ^_^

to find more about the authors, check all of the tour posts
About C.L. Foster
CL is eclectic, geeky, positive, nature-loving and completely non-"normal" (just the way she likes to be). She has been a fan of literature since she was a small child and finally decided to take her dreams (both waking and sleeping!) and do something positive with them.

CL has lived all over the world and has a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, minoring in Psychology and Forensics. Which means you don't want to cross her because she knows how and where to hide a body so it's never found! She proudly admits to hearing voices in her head, but at times, her characters' impromptu visits can be rude and annoying. Thankfully, she has adequate patience for their shenanigans and can out ninja them any day of the week.

CL is ALL over the net and eager to hear from readers, so don't be shy!

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