
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Guest Post and Giveaway: My Tethered Soul (Reaper's Rite #2) by Dorothy Dreyer

Published: August 19th, 2014


It’s been months since Zadie faced her sister’s Reaper, months during which she’s been under her mentor’s magical protection. But now that she’s turning seventeen, that protection is about to run out.

When dark forces lure Zadie to wander at night, she’s manipulated into committing unspeakable acts. With her friends and family at risk, Zadie must try to use her powers to break free from the Reaper’s grasp, or surrender to the Reaper’s Rite, which can only lead to death.

The Reaper Fascination – How the image of reapers changed

The modern image of the Grim Reaper isn’t much different from how Death was depicted earlier on. In the bible’s Book of Revelation, Death is described as having a skeletal face framed by a black cloak. In the days of the Plague, artists often depicted death and dying with images of a skeleton or corpse. The black cloak is said to be tied in with wearing black to funerals, and the scythe is the Grim Reaper’s weapon to harvest souls.

Those images pretty much remained the same throughout time, though some works of art and depictions on television and in the movies have interpreted Death to be more human. Think Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black, or the Reapers from Supernatural.

Still, it’s the more ghostly and eerie portrayals of the Grim Reaper that make my skin crawl. One could even suggest that the Dementors from Harry Potter were Reaper-esque in image. In the image of a human or not, I’d like to avoid Reapers of any type, if I can help it.

About the author:
Author Dorothy Dreyer I'm a Philippine-born American living in Germany with my husband and two teens. I write young adult books that usually have some element of magic or the supernatural in them. I also like to read those kinds of books. Aside from reading, I like movies, chocolate, take-out, coffee, traveling, and having fun with my friends and family. I've also been known to make a pretty sweet cupcake. I tend to sing sometimes, too, so keep me away from your Karaoke bars.


  1. Great cover! I've always wanted a scythe.

  2. Sounds like an awesome book, I love the cover!

  3. @Dorothy Dreyer - Anytime! I cannot wait to read this series.

  4. This sounds great I like the name zadie, and i really love anything Paranormal so this is a book for me!! thanks for the giveaway

  5. This looks like a really good paranormal book!! The excerpt sounds great thank you for the giveaway

  6. I would love to read this book. I like the cover reaper and all.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  7. Congratulations on this new release! Sounds awesome. :)

  8. thanks for the chance!

  9. Science brings us answers, but we still want to believe that is something "after", so the "reapers" will fascinate us forever
