
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Giveaway: Son of War, Daughter of Chaos by Janette Rallison

Published: July 2nd, 2014


Son of War, Daughter of Chaos Aislynn is accustomed to watching for the enemy. Her parents instructed her from the time she was young to look for the signs: people with greater than normal strength, eyes that can glow green, and have the ability to jump long distances. Over the years, Aislynn has come to view her parents’ fears as quirks—things that get in the way of having a normal high school life. 

When Aislynn’s mother dies under suspicious conditions, her father doubles his restrictions. But all his precautions can’t stop the boy with glowing green eyes from finding Aislynn. She realizes too late she’s been drafted into an ancient Egyptian war, whether she’s prepared or not.

I think this is my favorite of Rallisons paranormal series, it was original and fun. I liked the take on Horusians and Setites (especially the Setites, that mythology seemed so much more believable and I wish I could write more about it.) Overall, a really fun read. BUY a copy as soon as it’s released, you won’t be disappointed. There HAS to be a sequel, I want more of Aislynn and Dane! - Goodreads

About the author:
Janette Rallison is old. Don’t ask how old, because it isn’t polite. Let’s just say she’s older than she’d like to be and leave it at that. Janette lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five children and enough cats to classify her as “an eccentric cat lady.” She did not do this on purpose. (The cats, that is; she had the children on purpose.) Every single one of the felines showed up on its own and refuses to leave. Not even the family’s fearless little Westie dog can drive them off. Since Janette has five children and deadlines to write books, she doesn’t have much time left over for hobbies. But since this is the internet and you can’t actually check up to see if anything on this site is true, let’s just say she enjoys dancing, scuba diving, horse back riding and long talks with Orlando Bloom. (Well, I never said he answers back.)

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