
Friday, April 18, 2014

Guest Post and Giveaway: Knowing Is Not Enough by Patricia Walker Chatman

Published: January 2014


Alex Nichols thought being in a relationship was enough to make her happy. She was wrong. Never through Jake's actions or words did Alex ever feel he loved her. Seven years of marriage and three betrayals later, Alex has had enough and permits herself to dream of a different life with someone else. However, before happily ever after can become reality she must first learn how to deconstruct the emotional walls that have protected her in the past.

Second chance for Happily Ever After 

Arguably, everyone deserves a second chance at realizing the allusive “Happily Ever After.” 

In modern times amidst break-ups and un-couplings is “Happily Ever After” still a realistic goal to attain? After all, it’s a really long time. Therefore, maybe the more pressing question is if “Happily Ever After” is asking too much? When you look up the term, words like Disney, Cinderella, Prince Charming, Fairy Godmother and enchanted pop up. Then, if you travel along the yellow brick road a little further, you learn
the phrase really does mean to find your one and only true love and live out the rest of your days in wedded bliss. Being a happily un-wedded person myself, I’ve always professed life is lived in the middle, between “Once Upon A Time” and “Happily Ever After.” So, how can a phrase laced with fairy dust ever become your reality? We live in a world filled with cynics and critics who debatably believe every living human being is ultimately responsible for creating and sustaining their own happiness. We, Disney dreamers, have to overcome the notion that “Happily Ever After” is aligned with “Until Death Do Us Part” and that feelings of contentment can only be satisfied in a committed relationship. There’s real life, and fantasy, which is probably why all Disney movies end at the wedding. Real life is too . . . well, real. 

I’ve told this story many times, probably far more than anyone wants to hear it, but I feel it relates to second chances. I say this because when I think of a second chance to live happily ever after, I don’t think of a relationship between a man and a woman. I reflect on my love of writing, how much joy and contentment it brings me, and desire to do this the whole of my life, for the rest of my life. It’s this life-long connection to the spoken or written word and the relationships I have developed as a result of this passion that propels me to happily ever after. Now, back to my over told story, there was a time along this journey when I was told
writing wasn’t the profession for me. I permitted those negative words to penetrate me like a virus, traveling through my blood stream until it turned every cell in my body against me. I, for a time, believed I wasn’t good enough. However, despite my feeling of rejection, I continued to develop my craft and remained open to the possibility that one day I would be given a second chance to prove I had a story in me worth being told. 
A very good friend of mine who helped rebuild my self-confidence and get me back on the path of writing said, “Gurl, just write yo’ book. Somebody will read it.” All that time I was waiting for someone else to give me a second chance at “Happily Ever After.” The thought never occurred to me to give it to myself. 

So, on our quest to live happily ever after what does all of this mean? 
First and foremost, it means that everyone (even you) is deserving of a second chance. It doesn’t necessarily mean you will be given one, but the power to determine if you are deserving lies within you. 

About the author:
For over twenty years, Patricia Walker Chatman has worked in the human service industry. In 2010, Patricia accepted a Faculty Associate position facilitating Financial Management for Human Services and various Business Topics. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resources with a specialization in Training and Development. A Master Degree in Public Policy and Administration, and anticipates completing her doctorate in Public Policy Administration, May 2014. Knowing Is Not Enough is Patricia’s first novel.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. First of all: I LOVE THIS COVER!
    Your guest post is very inspirational and positive, left me smiling with a little tear threatening to drop ignominously down. Finding our own personal happy ending isn't easy, but we deserve happiness whatever form and shape may it have for us (oh well, of course as long as it doesn't harm others, but I refuse to believe that would be true happiness anyway). We don't always get second chances, but we can indeed always try to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and learn to build them on our own.

  2. Cred ca as putea spune ca Alex este un om care lupta pentru ceea ce vrea, si care merge inainte ca sa-i fie bine. Chiar si dupa sapte ani de casnicie, Alex cauta fericirea si nu paseste inapoi nici macar cu un pas. O carte draguta cu un personaj cu experienta de viata.

  3. Interesting description ! Thanks for the giveaway ! :D

  4. What a cute cover! I love it! The book sounds really interesting too, it seems like a nice, uplifting book, I can't wait to read it! Thanks for the post and giveaway :)

  5. Love the heroine. She finally decided to take charge and to put her heart to love again.

  6. thanks for the giveaway! :D

  7. this sounds good and i like your comments about fairy tails yellow brick roads and 2nd chances everyone needs them for what ever reason they may have. thank you so much

  8. Thank you for the nice giveaway,,great!
    (Karla Sceviour)

  9. I wholeheartedly believe in 2nd chances. Something many people sadly won't give....

  10. Thank you for the chance!

  11. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

