
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Release Day! Excerpt and Giveaway Be with Me (Wait for You #2) by J. Lynn aka Jennifer L. Armentrout

Be With Me - CoverDescription:

From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wait for You Do Teresa and Jase have a real shot at getting together or will life get in the way? 

Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she's in love with her big brother's best friend, but he hasn't spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, life-changing kiss. Then she got out of a terrible relationship. Now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It's time for plan B: college. And maybe she'll have a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real. 

Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he's not telling anyone—especially not his best friend's incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn't have time for a relationship. But it doesn't help that all he can think about is kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him. 

 As they're thrown together more and more, Jase and Teresa can't keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they're willing to risk to be together and what they're willing to lose if they're not. . . .   


Release Day Launch

“You got a visitor, Tess.” He rested his chin atop my head, which caused my pulse to try to outrun my heart. “Two of them to be exact.”


There was a pause. “Are your eyes closed?”


His chin slid off my head and then his chest rumbled as he laughed. “Your eyes are closed.” He laughed again. “Open them up.” 

Cursing under my breath, I pried one eye open and then jerked against him. His arm tightened. “Oh wow …”

The black-and-white horse was the closest, standing mere feet away from me. The brown one wasn’t too far, shaking its head and making soft snorts. My eyes were wide as they bounced between the two creatures. “They’re not carnivorous, right? Because at their size, they could eat me.”

Jase laughed deeply as his hand shifted up, resting in the center of my stomach, just below my breasts. “Horses do not eat people, you little idiot.”

I started, eyes narrowing. “There’s always a first.”

The lips pulled back on the black-and-white horse as if it was smirking at me. 

“This one right here? Mr. Friendly? Jack calls him Bubba One,” he said in a quiet, calming voice. But air hitched in my throat when his thumb moved in a slow circle over the thin material of my tank top, hitting against the wire in my bra. “And the brown one is Bubba Two.”

Mouth dry, I wetted my lips. “That’s good for remembering names.”

He chuckled as his pinkie and forefinger started to move up and down, reaching my belly button and then sliding back up. It was almost as if he was unaware of what he was doing, or the electrifying response the tiny motions were dragging out of me. “I think so too, but his real name is Lightning.”

Said horse shook his head, tossing the shaggy mane.

“Lightning seems to be a more suitable name,” I admitted, relaxing as the seconds passed. Maybe that was his intention. Distract me with the soft, almost innocent touches. It was working. “What about Bubba Two? 

“Ah, the one who is staring at the pail like it’s the holy mecca of grain?” His cheek grazed mine as I laughed. “That’s Thunder. And we’re going to feed them. Together.”

The friction his fingers created with my shirt sent tiny shivers up and down my back. “With our hands?”

His answering laugh tipped the corners of my lips up. “Yes. With our hands.”

“After checking out the choppers on them, I’m not so sure about that.”

“You’ll be okay.” He slid his hand off my stomach and wrapped it around my wrist. Slowly, he lifted my hand out in front of me. “Hold still.”

My heart lurched. “Jase—”

Lightning trotted forward and pressed his wet nose against my hand. I cringed, waiting for him to eat my poor fingers. The horse didn’t. Nope. It nudged my hand as it whinnied softly. 

He guided my hand up over Lightning’s jaw, all the way to the pointy, twitchy ears. “See?” he murmured. “That’s not too bad, is it?”

I shook my head as my fingers curled along the soft coat. Lightning seemed to anticipate the direction of the petting, pressing his long head against my hand as my fingers tangled in his mane. It wasn’t bad at all. 

Jase shifted behind me, and in an instant all thoughts of the horses evaporated. His hips lined up against my backside, and I bit down on my lower lip as I focused on the white splotch covering Lightning’s muzzle. 

I could feel him—feel Jase. And there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was affected by how close we were standing. That knowledge and the hard length of him left me dizzy, just like it had done that Saturday night. An all too warm flush spread down my neck. In the back of my head, I was rationalizing his physical reaction. He was a guy. Our bodies were pressed together. If a wind blew on a guy’s private area, they got hard. So I should just ignore it, but my body was so not on board with my head. My body was operating on a different playing field. An ache centered low in my stomach. A sharp and sweet yearning raced through my veins. 

“Not so scary, right?” His voice was deeper, richer. “They’re like dogs. Well, like a dog that can carry around two hundred pounds, if not more.” Hand sliding off mine, he stepped back, and the sudden emptiness of his body was like a cold shock. “Trust me.” 

Then he smacked my ass. 

In Romania very soon!
Descriere editura:

Unele lucruri merită să le aştepţi…

Să plece la mii de kilometri depărtare de casă pentru a se înscrie la colegiu e singura cale prin care tânăra de nouăsprezece ani, Avery Morgansten, poate scăpa de ceea ce i s-a întâmplat, în urmă cu cinci ani, la o petrecere de Halloween, care i-a schimbat pentru totdeauna viaţa. Tot ce trebuie să facă e să ajungă la timp la cursuri, să se asigure că brăţara de la încheietura mâinii stângi e la locul ei, să nu atragă deloc atenţia asupra propriei persoane şi poate — dă Doamne! — să-şi facă nişte prieteni, pentru că, fără îndoială, asta ar fi o schimbare bine-venită. Singurul lucru de care n-are nevoie şi la care nu s-a gândit este să-i trezească interesul singurului băiat care ar putea să-i zdruncine fragilul viitor pe care şi-l construieşte pentru ea însăşi.

Unele lucruri merită încercate…

Cameron Hamilton —1,90 mde fizic pentru care poţi să leşini, completat cu o pereche de ochi şocant de albaştri. Și cu o remarcabilă abilitate de a o face pe Avery să-şi dorească lucruri despre care crezuse că-i fuseseră răpite irevocabil. Ea ştie c-ar trebui să stea departe de el, dar Cam e înnebunitor de omniprezent, cu farmecul lui, cu tachinările lui isteţe şi cu păcătoasa aceea de gropiţă în obraz, atât de… să-ţi vină s-o mănânci. Să se încurce cu el e periculos, dar când nu mai e cu putinţă să ignore tensiunea clocotitoare ce scoate scântei ori de câte ori sunt unul în preajma celuilalt, el face să iasă la lumină o latură a ei despre care ea habar n-avea că o are.

Unele lucruri n-ar trebui trecute sub tăcere niciodată…

Dar când Avery începe să primească emailuri de ameninţare şi telefoane care o silesc să-şi înfrunte un trecut pe care ea îl voia îngropat, nu mai are de ales şi trebuie să admită că există cineva care nu-i îngăduie să uite de noaptea aceea când totul s-a schimbat. Când adevărul devastator va ieşi la iveală, o să mai scape ea şi de data asta întreagă, cu doar o cicatrice? Şi va putea Cam să fie acolo, s-o ajute să iasă la liman, sau va fi târât în adâncuri odată cu ea?

Iar pentru unele lucruri merită să lupţi…

About the author:
# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. It seems that I would like both Teresa and Jase.... but unfortunately I am going by what is printed on your post because I have yet to red this book series! I do love Jennifer's work and it sounds fabulous and I hope I win so I can dive into this new series.. for me at least! :)
