Looking up at the night sky or out across a vast ocean, cradling a newborn baby or snuggling a puppy, that moment when laughter gives way to tears or the one when someone you’re hugging hugs you back even tighter, twinkle lights during the holidays or the light that returns to us each and every morning — our world is literally *made* of miracles. And even though we know our share of sorrow and shadow, in these soft, shimmery, fleeting moments we can relax into the feeling that we’re all connected. We can see that this force connecting us is benevolent and badass.
Call that force God or Goddess, the Universe, the Force, or physics — I don’t really care. What I care about is bridging the gap between skepticism and belief so you can get enough face time with that force to let it show you Who You Are — a glittery Earth angel made from star stuff. This book will bridge that gap whether it is the size of a creek or a canyon.
You don’t have to hug any trees or light any incense to let this knowledge transform your life. There’s no special brownies involved, no secret prayers, no bargaining with an unknown power. You don’t have to change anything about yourself, and you can go ahead and cut the crap where you beat yourself up for being human. We’re human for a reason.
Whether you consciously long for deeper connection or just vaguely feel like something is missing, these “Jersey-fied” rules for life will show you what it REALLY takes to live your best life. It will offer you enough sass to survive the hard times and enough wisdom to soak up all the good stuff life offers like herbed olive oil (you’re a fresh-baked slice of Italian bread in this scenario).
This is real talk for skeptics and seekers alike.
Read at your own risk.
Thank you, Jess Barrett
After reading the book’s description, I saw that my questions had already their answers. So, I’ll try to produce new ones:
You said “Read at your own risk”; what are these risks you talk about and which is the biggest?
Well, Buddhists will tell you that enlightenment is very messy work. It forces you to come face to face with yourself, to work through the parts of you that you'd prefer to keep in shadow. My work in soul therapy is where I deeply invest in helping women to integrate all these “fragmented” pieces of themselves. It's hard to do the work – and then on top of that, it's hard to be in the world once you've done the work. Suddenly, you are very different and everything else is often very much the same. Including your friends, your family, and your life. A friend of mine put it this way – maybe you made the bed before you were awakened, but you still have to lay in it until you do the work to make a brand new bed. It's easier, and more comfortable, to never look around at all. Bukowski said, “If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind...There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.”
Even in present days we live in quite different societies, by different rules and conceptions. Do you think everybody will find something for her in your book?
Absolutely I do. The call is for women to do exactly that – read my stories, the wisdom I have to share. Let what resonates with you move you. Sogyal Rinpoche taught us, “Two people have been living in you all your life. One is the ego, garrulous, demanding, hysterical, calculating; the other is the hidden spiritual being, whose still voice of wisdom you have only rarely heard or attended to. . . . you have uncovered in yourself your own wise guide.” The point is to give women a sense of space, freedom and power to find their own wise guide. So far, I have been profoundly successful in that goal.
What does it take to be a perfect woman in our days? Can we or should we be perfect? Who says what perfect woman means?
We are all perfect, because we're here for exactly the right reason and at exactly the right time. But to continue to strive for “perfection” is a form of madness. I'm a fan of women who drop the desire to be perfect and embrace the desire to be whole, fully expressed, and heart-centered. To me, a “perfect” woman is at home in her little mess, and keeps in mind that its all taking place in a much larger context. It's about figuring out who you really are and giving the universe the gift of being that person.
Your best advice for all women is…?
To go as deep as possible, whenever possible. Have real conversations. Make real connections. Honor the bonds you form with people. When you're looking at yourself, really look. A deep life isn't always easy, but colors are more vivid in that world.
Can a (spiritual) woman say F*ck? (when, how, to whom? :D )
I'm from NJ, so I love the F word. I think it makes everything more vivid. And I used it in my provocative title on purpose. I wanted the book to jump out at people. The language in the book is more subdued, although still present. I was raised to believe words are just words. I think that the less inclined you are to say those words, the more liberating it can be to say them. But my point isn't that you have to start sounding like a mob movie. You just have to be sure that the rules you're living by are coming from an authentic place inside yourself!
"You don't have to try to be someone you're not in order to transcend yourself.
"You don't have to try to be someone you're not in order to transcend yourself.
You don't have anything to transcend at all. And I'm proof.
I'm not a “yoga girl” and I'm not a saint and I'm not any more or less than you. You can ask all the people I grew up with. All of my insight comes from life experiences that you may not have shared and research that you might not have done, and I offer it to you so that you don't have to get there the same way I did.
You know, the hard way."
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About the author:
Jess Barrett was raised in a small town at the Jersey shore, where she was given a strong sense of self, a crystal clear view of everything she looked at, and an honest, authentic way of being in the world. This book is the reflection of her deep desire to build a bridge for people who are seeking and suffering. She knows real change can be as easy as taking the next off-ramp in your journey, understanding that the only way to can create sustainable change, both in ourselves and in the world, is to allow your beliefs to affect how you live.
An ordained minister and empath, she seeks to serve by trying to reach individual souls and stir them to participate in the revolution of consciousness she believes is both necessary and inevitable. She creates life-changing experiences, offers coaching and counseling, and is available for speaking engagements on a number of topics. Further information about her work and projects can be found at her website.
When she's not trying to change the world, she's also a crazy cat lady running an unofficial rescue out of her house (right now, we have five cats and three dogs)!
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