
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Review and Giveaway Playing Hooky (Paranormal Investigations #1) by Rita Webb


Valentine’s Day.
And my 21st birthday.


Just another college day full of classes and more homework than is humanly possible.

…until Jason, my best-friend-since-kindergarten, shows up to take me out for the day.

Like old times: the two of us on a wacky adventure, playing hooky from real life. With his lopsided grin and tickets to a circus full of misfits and monsters, he introduces me to a whole new world—one full of magic and mystery—and turns my reality upside down.

Except nothing goes as planned, and we end up running through the city to find a missing siren before someone brews a love potion with her blood.

Sirens and love potions, witches and elves, and Valentine kisses. Nothing will be the same for me again.

My Review:
"NO, NO, NO. You can't fall in love with me," Emma whispers in my ear.
"Too late."
Like many other readers, I saw the cover (niceee!), read the description, and snatch the book.

In short, the book is SWEET!

It is the story of a friendship that turns into something else and more profound. But if Jason (by the way, you’ll love him) takes chances and muster his courage to step beyond their sincere friendship, Emma is afraid that she could lose everything: Jason, his love and his friendship. For now she prefers to have less rather than risk losing everything. But hers hesitation is in the reader’s favor who will assist to this "prelude" and the attempt between them. Exploratory which is seasoned with a more delicate touch or heated glance, a blush or a kiss.

And this interlude takes place in a fantasy world from which we catch only glimpses. There are many secrets to discover, also regarding Jason, and many appealing characters. Universal myths and folklore are interwoven and create this world that secretly coexists with us. Chimeras and mermaids, magician elves (at least that is striving to be), unicorns and not only them offer reasons and moments of humor and action. Because not everything is peachy. Selfishness and despicable characters or just heated hearts jeopardize the lovers (but don’t tell Emma she loves because she will not recognize). Thus begins a life and death struggle whose end is not yet written.

The book is an easy reading and the writing is fluent. "Romantic" moments are nicely peppered with the action ones. Everything is logical (in a fantasy world) and you have no moments of rest.

Unfortunately the book is a short story, just published in January 2013 and thus it seems that will be a fairly long wait until the next volume. I say unfortunately because I’m restless to see what will happens and if / how / what will be my favorite Hunter.
"Best friend don't keep secrets."
"Never again. I promise." I cross my heart. "Except one. I am allowed to keep one secret."
"What's that?"
"I can tell you, or it won't be a secret anymore." That I love you.

 I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you! 

"NO, NO, NO. You can't fall in love with me," Emma whispers in my ear.
"Too late."
Ca mulți alți cititori, am văzut coperta (niceee!), citit descrierea, înhățat cartea.

Într-un cuvânt cartea e dulce.

Este povestea unei prietenii ce se transformă în ceva mai mult şi mai profund. Dar dacă Jason (apropos o să-l adorați) îşi ia inima în dinți şi are curajul de încerca să treacă pragul prieteniei sincere, Emmei îi este frică că ar putea pierde totul: pe Jason, dragostea lui, dar şi prietenia lui. Deocamdată ea preferă să aibă mai puțin decât să rişte să piardă totul. Dar nesiguranța ei e în favoarea cititorului care va asista la acest „preludiu” şi tatonarea dintre cei doi. Tatonare ce este condimentată cu câte o atingere mai delicată, o privire mai aprinsă sau un sărut.

Şi tot acest interludiu se petrece într-o lume fantastică care abia ne este dezvăluită. Sunt multe secrete de descoperit, inclusiv cu privire la Jason, şi multe personaje atrăgătoare. Miturile şi folclorul universal se împletesc şi creează această lume care coexistă în secret cu noi. Himere şi sirene, elfi magicieni (cel puțin care se străduie să fie), inorogi şi nu numai oferă motivele şi momentele de umor, dar şi de acțiune. Pentru că nu totul este roz. Interese meschine şi caractere josnice sau doar inimi înfierbântate pun în pericol pe cei doi îndrăgostiți (dar nu care cumva să-i spuneți Emmei că iubeşte pentru că nu va recunoaşte). Astfel începe o luptă pe viață şi pe moarte al cărui final nu este încă scris.

Cartea se citeşte uşor şi scrisul este fluent. Momentele „romantice” sunt frumos intercalate cu cele de acțiune. Totul se desfăşoară logic (într-o lume fantastică) şi nu ai momente de pauză.

Din păcate cartea e prea scurtă, abia publicată în ianuarie 2013 şi astfel se întrevede o aşteptare destul de lungă până la următorul volum. Zic din păcate pentru că abia aştept să văd ce se mai întâmplă şi dacă/cum/ ce va face Vânătorul meu preferat.

"Best friend don't keep secrets."
"Never again. I promise." I cross my heart. "Except one. I am allowed to keep one secret."
"What's that?"
"I can tell you, or it won't be a secret anymore." That I love you.

About the author:
Leaving the house to go to school, I had schoolbooks spilling out of one hand, the other holding my place in a Nancy Drew novel, and bunny slippers still on my feet. My mom was a wee bit upset.

I haven't changed much. Still always have a book (or two) in my hand or creating stories in my head, and although I don't have any bunny slippers, I love writing in my jammies and snuggly slipper socks.

When I grow up (maybe a hundred years from now), I'd like to be a superhero, but for now, saving the day, one page at a time, suits me just fine.

With my husband TJ (my own cuddly werewolf), I home-school our three girls, who keep us busy with art, science projects, books to read, dance classes, and walks about the park.

Author's Giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. coperta asta mi se pare atat de pura:X

  2. Aș participa la concurs dar nu am citit nici una dintre cărțile specificate . :-??

  3. mi-a placut recenzia, in special introducerea:)
    coperta e chiar draguta!

  4. Pare o carte interesanta si mi-ar placea sa o citesc
