
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Review and Giveaway Fields of Elysium (Fields of Elysium, #1) by A.B.Whelan

„But if young hearts didn’t believe in miracles anymore, then all is lost.”
If you have a romantic nature and an imagination that carries you through fantasy worlds then you will like Fields of Elysium. If you are not, there are still big chances that you'll like the book. This is because you will like for sure the main characters, the author’s ideas and style.

The main characters grow on the reader's heart as they and also the story evolve. Molly is a great example for all young girls and was a pleasure to watch her thoughts and judgment. Victor? Victor tries to find out how he feels and what to do. Being the type for whom duty and honor are above of all it will be even harder to him to make a decision. He certainly has all the trumps to become the readers' new favorite.
„He was a thrilling, mystical novel I found hard to put down, or better, impossible not to finish.”
Secondary characters could have been more developed. Agreeable or not, I certainly wanted to know more about why and how they change. Weston, for example, on the one hand can be considered at one point to be a bit superficial and I think that was not the intention, and on the other hand I think it should be worth it to witness how he will get "to see the forest despite the trees." Other characters seem hasty introduced and a greater motivation for them would have been welcome.

The plot is a love story. The story earns more points by sharing Molly’s thoughts and feelings which is the way used by the author to gently introduce many important aspects of human nature, religion, about how children are influenced by their parents, about their changes: caring, growing up - leaving the nest. I think every youngster goes (or should it go?) through them.
But as my love for Victor had grown, I noticed how I’d become emotionally detached from my father. Maybe there was not enough room in my heart for them both.”
Do not worry, though I would have preferred a stronger development of these ideas, the way they are presented is enough to touch the reader's mind and to keep the story as a love one. Reaching to the romance I’ll only say that you’ll love it. It reminded me of Pride and Prejudice - keeping and given the obvious differences. Love for a person who hates you will surely arouse the reader's feelings. Did someone say that it's easy to love?
My mind kept fighting against my heart because from the very first moment I saw you, I knew that you would be the one to destroy me.” “I would never hurt you.” “You’re hurting me right now without knowing it.
The author certainly had inspiration and talent when she describes Arkana’s universe, a fantasy world where both mythological elements and high tech items are harmonious found. Her style is not fussy, but it is very picturesque. For me it was very easy not only to imagine that fantasy world, but to see myself "out there". It's wonderful, a true description of the Elysian Fields ("Heaven" in Greek mythology) where there is no malice or violence and pure souls remain to delight.

Although this volume is focused on the relationship between Molly and Victor, the author has been careful to keep reader’s attention on the problems that the two worlds are facing. So I have every reason to expect that the next volumes will change the tone. Sides will be chosen, sacrifices will be made, the characters that are now barely sketched will influence the course of events and all of these are make me very curious. I just hope that the announced release date for the second volume will be indeed August 2013.
„Could it be that he felt sorry for me after all? Or that his hostile attitude was really a cover up, designed to protect me? I pondered over my wishful thinking, but when his black eyes locked on mine again, all positive thoughts had vaporized. There was no question about it; Victor detested me beyond my wildest imagining.”
 I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!

fields new„But if young hearts didn’t believe in miracles anymore, then all is lost.

Dacă sunteți o fire romantică a cărei imaginație o poartă prin lumi fantastice clar veți găsi Fields of Elysium pe gustul vostru. Dacă nu sunteți o asemenea fire tot există şanse mari să vă placă cartea. Şi asta pentru că în mod sigur vă vor plăcea personajele principale, ideile strecurate şi stilul autoarei.

Personajele principale cresc în inima cititorului pe măsură ce povestea şi ele însăle evoluează. Molly este un bun exemplu pentru toate adolescentele şi a fost o plăcere să-i urmăresc gândurile şi judecata. Victor? Victor încearcă să afle ce simte şi ce trebuie să facă. Fiind tipul pentru care datoria şi onoarea sunt mai presus de orice îi va fi cu atât mai greu să ia o decizie. Cu siguranță are toate atuurile de a deveni noul preferat al cititoarelor.
„He was a thrilling, mystical novel I found hard to put down, or better, impossible not to finish.”
Personajele secundare ar fi putut fi mai mult dezvoltate. Plăcute sau nu, cu siguranță am vrut să aflu mai mult despre motivele şi modul în care ele evoluează. Weston, de exemplu, pe de o parte riscă să fie considerat un superficial şi cred că nu asta a fost intenția, iar pe altă parte cred că ar fi meritat să fim martori la cum va reuşi „să vadă pădurea în ciuda copacilor”. Alte personaje par introduse pripit şi o mai mare motivare a acestora ar fi fost bine venită.

Povestea este una de dragoste. Ea câştigă multe puncte pentru că prin împărtăşirea gândurilor şi trăirilor lui Molly autoarea introduce delicat multe aspecte importante despre firea umană, despre religie, despre modul în care sunt influențați copiii de părinții lor, despre schimbările acestora deopotrivă: grija, maturizarea – ruperea de cuib. Cred că fiecare tânăr trece (sau ar trebui să treacă?) prin ele.
„But as my love for Victor had grown, I noticed how I’d become emotionally detached from my father. Maybe there was not enough room in my heart for them both.”
Nu vă speriați, deşi eu aş fi vrut o dezvoltare mai accentuată a ideilor atinse de autoare, modul în care aceste idei sunt prezentate este suficient pentru a atinge mintea cititorului şi să păstreze povestea ca una de dragoste. Ajungând la povestea de dragoste vă spun doar că o să placă. Mie mi-a amintit de Mândrie şi Prejudecată -păstrând şi având în vedere evidentele diferențe. Iubirea pentru o persoană care te urăşte cu siguranță va stârni sentimentele cititorului. A zis cineva că a iubi e uşor?
“My mind kept fighting against my heart because from the very first moment I saw you, I knew that you would be the one to destroy me.” “I would never hurt you.” “You’re hurting me right now without knowing it.”
Autoarea a avut cu siguranță inspirație şi talent când a prezentat lumea Arkanei, o lume fantastică în care se regăsesc armonios atât elemente mitologice, cât şi elemente high tech. Stilul ei nu e greoi, dar e foarte pictural. Mi-a fost foarte uşor nu doar să-mi imaginez lumea fantastică, ci şi să mă văd „acolo”. E minunată, o adevărată înfățişare a Câmpiilor Elizee („Raiul” mitologiei greceşti) unde nu există răutate sau violență şi sufletele pure rămân a se desfăta.

Deşi acest volum este axat pe relația dintre Molly şi Victor, autoarea a avut grijă să păstreze mereu atenția asupra problemelor cu care cele două lumi se confruntă. Astfel am toate motivele să mă aştept ca următoarele volume să schimbe tonul. Tabere vor trebui alese, sacrificii vor trebui făcute, personaje abia creionate acum vor influența cursul evenimentelor şi asta nu face decât să-mi trezească curiozitatea. Sper doar să se păstreze data anunțată pentru al doilea volum: August 2013.
„Could it be that he felt sorry for me after all? Or that his hostile attitude was really a cover up, designed to protect me? I pondered over my wishful thinking, but when his black eyes locked on mine again, all positive thoughts had vaporized. There was no question about it; Victor detested me beyond my wildest imagining.”

How can love mend a heart full of hate? Small town girl, Molly Bennett, moves to Los Angeles where she becomes an outsider while attending Beverly Hills High School. It seems life cannot be any more dreadful. Then one day after school, something magical happens. On a secluded hike in the Hollywood Hills, Molly chases her disobedient mutt and only friend into a hidden cavern. She stumbles upon a strange glimmering gateway that transports her to Arkana, a planet that is the cradle of an advanced human race. There, teenagers navigate amazing flying vehicles, compete in perilous games for glory, and possess supernatural powers. While Molly tries to wrap her mind around this unbelievable discovery, she meets the alluring and mysterious Victor Sorren. He is a Sentinel Apprentice, whose hatred toward people from Earth is beyond understanding. Yet every time Victor unpredictably saves Molly's life, his heart draws closer to hers, no matter how much he tries to fight against it. It further complicates things that their growing friendship is strictly forbidden. Earth people are prohibited in Arkana, yet Molly continues to cross through the portal to Arkana to see Victor. Torn between their double lives, they go down a dangerous path, from where there is no return and multiple endings. Fields of Elysium is a suspenseful, romantic tale full of forbidden secrets, unimaginable danger, deception, and the never-ending fight for true love. 

"The novel's take on otherworldly travel is a compelling one, and the romantic plot will likely appeal to Twilight fans." - Kirkus Reviews 

 "I expected a good love story with a paranormal twist. I got so much more. I think you should take the chance and read it. Let this book take you on the adventure, fall in love." - Young Adult and Teen Readers 

 "Fields of Elysium is a fabulous read. ... Whelan paints her faith into the fabric of her story with deft, light brushstrokes, making her work accessible to all, no matter their spiritual beliefs or background." - Readers Favorite 

 "I escaped into this fantasy world, author, A.B.Whelan, created and I didn’t want Molly to go. From detailed descriptions, to sweet romance, and to all the twist and turns in the story, it had me captivated from page one." - Mary Ting, author of the Crossroads Saga 

 "Whelan's writing is very vivid and descriptive. It's more formal than the average YA novel, but I enjoyed the lyrical and mesmerizing quality to it. I thought the overall story read like a fairy tale--very sweet." - Megan Thomason, author of Daynight

About the author:

A.B.Whelan is a Hungarian born, American writer. She currently lives with her husband and two children in Southern California. While growing up in a wealthy Eastern European family, she had a chance to travel Europe. Later as an adult, she visited Africa and the Middle East and lived in Ecuador and in Crete. 


foe blog tour giveawaysBlog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash A gift bag of one signed copy of Fields of Elysium, a scrabble-tile pendant on a necklace, and a fridge magnet Ends 5/15/13 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ador subiectul cartii, dar recenzia este cea care m-a convins ca TREBUIE sa o citesc- oameni buni, doar titlul e mai mult decat suficient pentru a te convinge ca este o carte must-read- se face referire la legendele si miturile grecesti 0_0 ...^_^ (reactia mea din momentul in care am aflat titlul postului pana la sfarsitul recenziei) . Un alt plus la poveste e faptul ca lipseste insta-love si ca sentimentele eroilor cunoaste o evolutie mai lenta ...
    Coperta e minunata, desi imi aminteste putin de Beautiful Disaster/ Fericirea incepe azi, totusi e diferita, unica in felul ei :*

  2. iubeesc coperta asta :X
    e atat de simpla si pllina de fluturi:)))
