I must start with that warning given by the
grown-ups: it is not a subject for children
so do well and go to another room. But if you are even a
little like me, that will means the warning only will stir your curiosity.
So rest assured you
will not find anything non
family friend here.
I hope ...
This was her Mike, the boy, now man, who destroyed her past. She’d never been the same since.
When you want that Closure with the
person who broke your heart
in high school actually to be a little revenge like
"look what you lost" you are in big trouble. That's
because if you want a "closure"
means that you still feel something for him and that's very risky.
It can cost you a broken heart for the second time.
That's about Margaret's situation who has actually
not stopped to be Rachel. When
she’s put face to face with the one that was all she dreamed, it seems it's
time for payback. Margaret
initially seems to
be in control, but everything
will turn into a dog eat dog battle,
battle that at the end, when the cards are on the table, can result in a great failure
for both, especially because past things remained
“No, she’s gone.” Riley never existed and he let go of Margaret long ago.
But their fight is also fun sometimes, the
author succeeding delicious
double meaning dialogues. Dialogues not only delicious,
but also that gives great pain to the protagonists.
If Mike (like
any other man probably) not realize at first who
is this journalist
about he feels inexplicably and irrevocably attracted of, consider these dialogues a prelude of hot moments to come, for Margaret
means the trap setting for the vengeance long overdue. The saying "leave me but don’t
leave me alone" is the word of the
But how you cannot play with love, everything goes up side down, not all decisions are taken to the end, the rules change or even
disappear altogether and their
happiness will hang by a hair, their very actually
She knew him and took advantage of the fact he didn’t place her. This was the second time he got burned on the benefit of the doubt and losing control. This was the second time he wanted her and lost her. There would never be another time.
Either she meant the words, or he was about to be annihilated. He needed a new plan of attack.
Regarding the "hot" component of the book, I can say that although is quite explicit
is wisely used to indicate the intensity of relations and strong connection
between the protagonists. The only thing I cannot
agree, however, is the conception
Clinton / Monica
who seems to be totally accepted overseas (US).
In conclusion, if you
are over 18, you can read the book, and there are
great chances to like it.
Regardless of age, however, the book
admonition is: do
not wait, do not delay. Pluck up
your courage and bear the discussion
and have the closure quickly. Whatever the outcome, you can save invaluable time
for you to be happy.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you
This was her Mike, the boy, now man, who destroyed her past. She’d never been the same since.
când vrei ca acea încheiere a socotelilor cu persoana care ți-a frânt inima în
liceu să fie în fapt o mică răzbunare în genul „uite ce ai pierdut” eşti în
mare bucluc. Asta pentru că dacă vrei o „încheiere” înseamnă că mai simți ceva
pentru el şi asta e foarte riscant. Te poate costa o inimă frântă pentru a doua
Cam asta e
situația lui Margaret care de fapt nu a încetat niciun moment să fie Rachel. Pusă
față în față cu cel care a fost tot ce-a visat i se pare că e momentul să-şi ia
revanşa. Inițial Margaret pare să dețină controlul, dar totul se va transforma
într-o luptă care pe care, luptă ce în final, când cărțile sunt puse pe masă,
se poate solda cu un mare eşec pentru amândoi, mai ales pentru că unele lucruri
din trecut au rămas nespuse.
“No, she’s gone.” Riley never existed and he let go of Margaret long ago.
Dar lupta
lor e şi amuzantă pe alocuri, autoarei reuşindu-i dialoguri cu dublu sens
delicioase. Dialoguri nu doar delicioase, ci şi care pun în chinuri mari
protagoniştii. Dacă Mike (ca orice alt bărbat probabil), care nu îşi dă seama
din prima cine este ziarista de care se simte inexplicabil şi irevocabil atras,
consideră aceste dialoguri preludiul unor momente încinse, pentru Margaret
reprezintă pregătirea terenului pentru răzbunarea mult aşteptată. Vorba „lasă-mă
şi nu-mi da pace” e la ordinea zilei.
Dar cum
cu dragostea nu-i de joacă, totul se dă peste cap, nu toate deciziile sunt duse
până la capăt, regulile se schimbă în mers sau chiar dispar cu totul şi
fericirea lor va atârna de un fir de păr. Firul de păr fiind însăşi
sentimentele lor reale.
She knew him and took advantage of
the fact he didn’t place her. This was the second time he got burned on the benefit
of the doubt and losing control. This was the second time he wanted her and lost
her. There would never be another time.
Either she meant the words, or he was about to be annihilated. He needed a new plan of attack.
În ceea
ce priveşte componenta „hot” a poveştii pot spune că deşi e destul de explicită
este folosită inteligent pentru a indica intensitatea relațiilor şi conexiunea
puternică dintre protagonişti. Singura chestie pe care nu o pot agrea însă este
concepția Clinton/Monica care pare a fi total acceptată dincolo de ocean.
concluzie, dacă aveți peste 18 ani, puteți citi cartea, sunt şanse mari să vă
de vârstă însă, povața cărții este: nu aştepta, nu amâna. Ia-ți inima dinți şi
poartă discuția şi încheie socotelile mai repede. Indiferent de rezultat,
salvezi timp neprețuit în care poți fi fericit.
din nou o coperta care ma innebuneste:))
ReplyDeletedeja numai pot=))
daca apar si de astea la noi....atunci va fi si mai bine:))
Sper sa ajunga si la noi :x
ReplyDeleteoh, da! sunt mare fana "dialoguri delicioase":D am si peste 18...mai trebuie sa si fac rost de carte (asta, mai greu..:( )