
Monday, March 4, 2013

Book Release and Giveaway Shifting Dreams (Cambio Springs #1) by Elizabeth Hunter

Release date: March 5, 2013


Somedays Jena Crowe just can’t get a break. Work at the diner never ends, her two boys are bundles of energy, and she’s pretty sure her oldest is about to shift into something furry or feathery. Added to that, changes seem to be coming to the tiny town of Cambio Springs, big changes that not everyone in the isolated town of shapeshifters is thrilled about.

Caleb Gilbert was looking for change, and the quiet desert town seemed just the ticket for a more peaceful life. He never counted on violence finding him, nor could he have predicted just how crazy his new life would become.

When murder rocks their small community, Caleb and Jena will have to work together. And when the new Chief of Police isn’t put off by any of her usual defenses, Jena may be faced with the most frightening change of all: lowering the defenses around her carefully guarded heart. Shifting Dreams is the first novel in Cambio Springs, the new paranormal romance series from Elizabeth Hunter, author of the best-selling Elemental Mysteries.

About the Author:
Elizabeth Hunter is a contemporary fantasy, paranormal romance, and contemporary romance author. She is a graduate of the University of Houston Honors College in the Department of English (Linguistics) and a former English teacher. She once substitute taught a kindergarten class, but decided that middle school was far less frightening.

She currently lives in Central California with a seven-year-old ninja who claims to be her child. She enjoys music, writing, travel, and bowling (despite the fact that she’s not very good at it.) Someday, she plans to learn how to scuba dive. And maybe hang glide... but that looks like a lot of running.

She is the author of the Elemental Mysteries and Elemental World series, the Cambio Springs series, and other works of fiction.

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        Excerpt #1

“Aren’t you the talkative one?”
He gave her a sly grin. “Sometimes.”
Jena shook her head. “I bet you barely have to talk to the girls with that smile, cowboy.”
“Why ‘cowboy?’”
“Boots and attitude. You can always tell a man by his boots. You’re not an office kind of guy, I can tell. I’d even bet you’ve got a hat hanging around somewhere.”
He nodded. “You could say that.”
“So, just passing through?”
“You could say that, too.” At least for tonight. “And I left my hat in the car. My mom would skin me alive if I wore it inside.” She’d skin him alive for a lot of things, lately.
“Good. I’ve had a tempestuous relationship with hats today.”
“Now that’s a statement that begs a story.”
She shrugged and leaned a little closer. “Maybe, but it’s not one I feel like telling tonight.”
Caleb pulled her a little closer. “What do you feel like doing tonight?” No way in the world could he be that lucky.
A slow smile spread over Jena’s face. “Dancing.”
“We’re already doing that.”
“And maybe kissing a cute cowboy who’s passing through.”
Well, well. He wasn’t going to complain about that. Caleb looked around the bar. “Hold on, let me see if I can find one for you.” 

Excerpts #4
Caleb tensed as he heard the low growl.
Not just one lion, but two. Two big, snarling beasts who were holding the boys hostage in the Cliff House. And keeping Caleb from getting to them. He tried not to panic. How was he going to get to the boys? Throw rocks? The cat on the rocks kept snarling at Low while the other began to move toward Caleb. He glanced around. His gun was back in the truck. Why hadn’t he brought it? He cursed his carelessness.
“Low,” he called. “Try to stay calm. I’m coming over there.”
“Go away!” Low shouted at the lion. “I don’t know who you are, just leave us alone!” He jabbed at it again.
“Lo-ow…” Aaron sobbed behind his brother.
“Boys!” Caleb yelled. “Stay calm.” Who the hell were these lions? He wanted to strangle them with his bare hands.
“Caleb, get them away!” Aaron cried harder.
He started toward the one on the ground, holding his hands up. He could see a ragged ear twitch as he walked closer, but the creature didn’t attack. Neither did the one on the rocks. It snarled, causing Caleb’s gut to clench in fear, but it didn’t pounce when it easily could have. The animal watched him, crouching down and keeping his eyes on Caleb while it’s brother snarled at the boys in the Cliff House.
“Who are you, you bastard?” he muttered. “What do you want?”
“Caleb!” Aaron screamed.
“Shoot them!” Low yelled.
The one near the boys whipped its head around and curled its lips at Caleb just as he heard Cathy running through the brush. He heard the distinctive sound of a pump action shotgun a second before Cathy yelled, “Get away from my boys!”
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover reveal and giveaway organized by: AToMR Tours

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