
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza - Giveaway HOP (INTL)


a $10 Amazon Gift Card

MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as you can receive gift cards
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
The winner has 3 days to claim the prize by sending an email with: his/her name, Amazon email address 
Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I live in Newman, CA. I'm staying home.

  2. I'm in western canada currently, being hit hard, but ok myself.

  3. I'm in the Philippines. We're on lockdown so me and my fam been staying home since March. Hope everyone's staying safe and healthy.

  4. I live in a city, so I am taking precautions. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. I am an essential worker - real estate appraising - who knew? Miss seeing my kids and grandkids. Reading, binge watching, and doing puzzles as well as a lot of video calling.

  6. Lincoln Nebraska USA. Has not hit us full blast yet. Waiting to see if it does. We are doing the social distancing and when I shop which is once a week I wear a mask and gloves. Walking in the early morning is the only time I am mask free and no one is around.

  7. pensacola florida
    i was used to being a homebody, being retired, but mr wonderful kept me on the go. now, he is home 24/7 and i am surprised at how well we are both doing with it. i don't watch a lot of news and count on mr wonderful keeping me informed. i miss my son in michigan horribly and...well, i don't want to go down that road
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. Lavergne, Tn. I have been off from work since March because of the virus

  9. I am from 30 south of Buffalo, NY. We are just staying home being as we are retired and only going out when absolutely necessary.

  10. Chicago, + a city nearby-ish. I'm hanging on by a frayed thread-- not all due to Covid-19 per se. I've been hit by several major stressors (on top of stressors already present) kind of all at the same time, and have essentially no resources to help me out or help me cope. Tired of hearing that "you're not alone in this," because the truth is that YES I AM.

  11. Hi, I am in New Zealand.I have a lung disease so am staying home most of the time. I guess we are doing better than can be expected as a country but it is very, very scary.

  12. I live in WA. I miss my family and I am in a masters program for social work and my graduation ceremony was cancelled. I have a baby due in August and I'm worried about what life will be like when he's born, I really want my mom to be in the delivery room with me. I hope I'm able to get everything my son needs. Despite my worries and disappointments, I'm doing well.

  13. Live in Aus, had to make many changes such as homeschooling my son and my work closed so we've been just keeping busy at home.

  14. Northern Californian I am staying inside and waiting for it to end.

  15. I am from Michigan, and I am not adjusting so great..... I still have to work as I work at the hospital.

  16. I'm from NJ. My husband works for UPS, so he's still working. I had just had surgery, a hip replacement, right before the lock down. So I'm at home doing my own PT. Our oldest son is working from home and our youngest is working on and off. His hours were cut but his boss is playing games so he can't collect unemployment. He was working full time and now this week he's working only one day. Fortunately he's home with us and his bills are minimal. Hope you are well.

  17. I'm from Italy and this is my second month of quarantine...still, I have anything to complain about because I'm lucky enough to have a garden so I can stay outside when I need a bit of air. Life is pretty much suspended right now, but we hope to go back to normal in the following weeks.
    You too, be safe!

  18. Live in Michigan and work in retail. We are are on temporary layoff. Been quarantined for about a month now. Stay safe everyone!

  19. I am from Savannah Georgia and we have just about shut the town down.

  20. I'm from Omaha, NE and our peak in suppose to be next week. We are doing good being quarantined, working from home, reading, watching movies, cleaning.

  21. Hi; I’m living in Hell.
    One thing that really worries and bothers me is that the person I live with is still working every day. (At least isn’t in contact with other people...?) He isn’t taking adequate safety/precautionary measures, and is probably bringing this f-ing virus into the house on the daily.

  22. I'm okay. Working from home/quarantined for 5 weeks now!

  23. i am in portland oregon. i am working from home while my 6 kids are expected to do homeschool here. ha! fun times!

  24. I am from Cincinnati, OH and we are staying home and being safe. Thank you

  25. I am from Northern California. My husband and I have been housebound for weeks because of our ages and I also have diabetes. Our 2 grown children have been awesome doing all of the shopping etc. Can't wait until we can hug them and their families again! Stay safe everyone.

  26. I live in Kansas. We are currently following our state's stay-at-home order. We go out to grocery shop, and take walks in the park.

  27. There are a lot of things that I miss doing.

  28. I am from the US. I am under a stay at home order.


  29. Hello; still residing in hell.
    My sister lives half a country away; I haven’t seen her in almost 8 months. She and her fiancée had to cancel their early-May wedding due to Covid-19. They’re still going to be wed on their set date, but no one will be present aside from the two of them and a Justice of the Peace. ...Yes, I’m angry and devastated for her.

  30. We are staying home and keeping busy. Hope yall r safe and happy

  31. I'm in Oregon. Not been anywhere in over a month!
    Thanks for sharing this giveaway with us!

  32. I'm originally from Milwaukee, but have been living in Kansas for over 30 yeas. We are retired, so we don't have to go anywhere, and outside of the occasional trip to the grocery store, we don't!

  33. I'm from NJ so I'm staying at home. I haven't been anywhere in a month.
    Flyergal82 (at /yahoo /DOT ?com

  34. I'm from central US, just dtayiung at home and resting :)

  35. I'm doing well! Kinda tired quite often but I love spending time on baking and painting!

  36. We are doing very well. Thank you

  37. I'm in Michigan. I don't go back to work until June so we just have one income currently, but I'm so thankful for that. My husband is still working. He did have one paid week off last week as 5 people in his shop tested positive for the virus. I'm chronically ill so I've been staying home.

  38. I'm in Chicago, in quarantine.

  39. I live in the Chicagoland area and we've been on lock down for several weeks now. And I've been doing a lot of reading and baking. I wish that I could find some rubbing alcohol or other good cleaning supplies at the stores.

  40. I live near Denver. I'm starting my 7th week being at home and not going out.
    Thanks for the contest.

  41. We live near Tucson, AZ. We are doing fine, staying at home!

  42. I live in rural Maryland and I am in seclusion. I have health issues that make Covid19 a very scary problem.

  43. I most miss swimming 3 times a week.

  44. I'm from Ohio. Not much has changed for me really. Other than the kids being home, anyway!

  45. I live in West Orange, 20 minutes from NYC.. I am surrounded.

  46. I am from the New Jersey. There are still a lot new cases of Coronavirus, and we are still stuck at home.

  47. I've volunteered at the Spring Plant sale at the gardens for the last 35 year. So sad to be missing it this year.

  48. West Orange, NJ.. Because NYC is super close, we see death all around us.

  49. I'm from Italy. Starting next week most businesses will open again and we can now go visit our families and relatives, but the government still urges us to stay home as much as possible.

  50. I live in central Ohio. I am on disability so the virus hasn't affected me too much since I don't travel to work. My boyfriend was off a couple of weeks for the quarantine but returned to work recently

  51. I live in Independence, KY. Because I am an old retired lady who lives alone with fur baby, my life is not affected much. I am a loner by nature so I never really interacted with a lot of people anyway. I still take fur baby to the park every day. Just this week I started having groceries delivered rather than going to a grocery. I have a phobia about having my mouth and nose covered (have had since long before all this started) and do not want to wear a mask in the grocery. I need a haircut and fur baby needs his nails cut but other than that I am good

  52. I'm in the UK. I have a chronic illness so I started isolating a couple of weeks earlier than most people, I haven't left my house in 2 months. At the same time, I'm used to staying in for 2 or 3 weeks, so I know how to cope. It's also scary to see how many people don't care about protecting me from this virus that would very likely hit me harder than them.
