
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Things are great until... All Geek to Me (Words for Nerds, #1) by Allie York

I, Noralee Reynolds, lead the ultimate nerd life.
I, Wyatt Collins, lead a hectic life.


Release Date: February 13th, 2020 
Publisher: self-published 

I, Noralee Reynolds, lead the ultimate nerd life. I own a comic shop, have a great group of geeky friends to work with and wear a different cosplay every day. Since inheriting the family business I’ve had no time for a personal life of my own. Even if hosting a speed dating event makes me wish otherwise. 

I, Wyatt Collins, lead a hectic life. As a single dad, I've only got time for two  things - raising my son and being a cop. I wasn't looking to cuff myself to anyone. Then I crossed paths with a nerdy comic shop owner who made me think twice. 

Things are great until a little self-doubt has Noralee wanting to run away. 

Can Wyatt convince her that he can be her real-life superhero? 

Goodreads ** Pre-Order Today! Amazon 
About the author:
Allie is a mom, wife, and dog groomer by day. At night she is posted at her laptop writing or reading in a cozy corner. She has a soft spot for gooey romance, coffee, and anything cute and furry 

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