
Friday, October 20, 2017

Sometimes, life and love can follow the most obscure paths - The Night of Elisa by Isis Sousa

16+ "What if you had to choose happiness over your life?
This is the first cover where the cover actually fits the story. The writing was engaging and such a different style then I’m use to reading. I really enjoyed the illustrations in this book, they gave the book a special edge." J.Kahele, Goodreads


Cover Artist: Isis Sousa

The Corpse Bride meets Penny Dreadful

"Sometimes, life and love can follow the most obscure paths, just as they did for Elisa."

Her life becomes a dark, cold, lonely cage the day the devil takes her as his wife. He robs her of almost everything she holds dear: her health, her wealth and what is left of her family.

Trapped between the nuances of life and beyond-life, Elisa finds herself struggling for a better tomorrow. With her health deteriorating, how will she summon the courage and strength to stand her ground? And how far will she go in the pursuit of a dream?

Embark with Elisa on this puzzling Gothic adventure set in the late Victorian era, between the world of the Living and the picturesque, melancholic Duskland.
The Night of Elisa is first and furthermost Victorian Gothic, but can also fit within other genres such as Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery and Occult.

Parental guidance: for 16+ Contains blood, nudity and dark themes.

Brides and Gothic Stories 

Since this is an entertainment blog, I will do this article as my personal opinion rather than an academic research. 

There may be many reasons why the bride is an archetype on Gothic stories. First, we need to have in mind that when the genre began to solidify, during the Victorian Era, a woman’s value in society was given by two things: her husband or her family’s richness. That puts her in a place of frailty – being a bride was for her as walking on the edge: if she lost her husband to be she would be doomed and her only savior would have to be another suitor, if such came. 

On the other hand, Gothic literature does much allusion to love – a sublime, hyped kind of love, romanticized beyond any other genre and plenty of lust and sexuality as counterparts. There is always this fight between lust and love to a spiritual degree and the bride was this token. She could fall for the sublime and pure love and at the same time, be wrapped and controlled by passion and temptation emanating from the darkness. 

The fallen heroes of Gothic stories are always searching for this heavenly love on their idealization of a bride and are the ones to give them suffering and pain, luring them into temptation. These men have an emptiness that only she can fulfill and these women dream of being completed and someone to give their hearts to, someone who can bring them novelty. 

A bride will also invoke empathy from the readers. They are oftentimes innocent, frail, or in a position of abuse by their captors and/or life itself. In some cases they can also be in a position of strength and complete the ruling or authority of the fallen hero. 

Thank you for reading :-)

About the author: 
I am an artist; illustrator and graphic designer who writes on my free time. But with all the imagination I have running lose, there came some stories… And there came some books! 

I am born and grown up in Brazil, however I live in Mid-Norway with my beloved husband, in a tiny valley surrounded by mountains and with very few neighbours. 

When I’m not doing artwork and illustration for clients, I’m doing woodcarving, painting ornaments, painting artworks for myself, and so on. Love Arts, History, Heavy Metal and Dark things. 

Author's Giveaway
Get the book Free at Instafreebie until October 31st

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  1. Ciao! Thank you so much for this great opportunity of having The Night of Elisa featured at Mythical Books! You guys really do a great job with the content and I love the layout too! :-) All the best and keep up with the great work!

  2. Thank you for your appreciation and good luck with your book!
