
Friday, September 8, 2017

HANDLE...WITH CARE - Survival Game (Men of London #9) by Susan Mac Nicol

"Susan Mac Nicol certainly knows how to write hurt/comfort and strong character driven plots. [...] Susan’s fans and those who follow the series will quite enjoy it, as will anyone who prefers their angst without excess drama, and with conflicts that are realistic, with proper solutions and no clichés. Recommended." - Natalie, Goodreads


Published: September 7th, 2017


Kyle Tripper has led an interesting life. Currently the manager of London's famous Club Delish, he used to be a croupier extraordinaire in Las Vegas. But not everything in that life was so glamorous; his ex was a piece of work. Now gun-shy, Kyle hopes there is someone special out there for him, and secretly wishes it's luscious paramedic, Eric Kirby.


Every day Eric Kirby goes through the motions. Yeah, he saves lives, and, sure, he makes a difference, but he doesn't feel it anymore - not since he lost his one true. But, when he meets wild, flamboyant Kyle Tripper and learns there's a skittish, apprehensive man beneath the bold façade, the best of Eric's protective nature kicks in and opens his heart to a new love.


I fancied doing a blog post that was a little tongue in cheek and fun. And in the process, who knows, you might come across one of these collective nouns that you haven’t seen before. I was tickled pink to discover some recent examples. I thought the ones below were either a little writing related or applicable to the genre I write in. 

A Kindle of kittens 
A Stud of mares 
A ‘Knob’ of pintails (a kind of duck apparently) 
A Worship of Writers 
A Clench of sphincters 
A Plump of ducks 
A Pace of asses 
A Grind of blackfish 
A Shiver of sharks 
A Head of curlews (more birds) 

There was some controversy about the collective noun for cocks – and I mean the rooster like birds that flock around the hens, you fowl minded people. 

Some say ‘a Flock of cocks’ others suggest the right word is a ‘Brood’. And in case you really wanted to know, and don’t spend all your time Googling it (as I know you might) apparently it is a ‘Clutch of penes’ (plural for ‘penises’). Others have been suggested but I won’t go into too much detail here J 

There are those that are more cooking related and I have a book series of which the first one was centred around a restaurant and two chefs. (Some of these may simply be someone’s fancy, while others seem to be the accepted use.) 

A Hastiness of cooks 
A Glazing of taverners 
A Rope of onions 
A Jam of tarts 
An Accompaniment of condiments 
A Sproutness of mushrooms 
A Promise of barmen 

I had a particular fondness for this one and for the rather amusing little anecdote I found online that accompanied it. You can read it here Fesnyng

It’s a Fesnyng of ferrets – apparently this is the real, honest to goodness collective noun for these slinky creatures. I mean, who comes up with these weird names and what the hell were they smoking at the time because I want some. 

And one last one I thought was rather clever... 
A Fraid of ghosts

About the author:
Sue writes steamy, sexy and fun contemporary gay romance stories, some suspenseful, some gritty and dark, and others just plain ahhhh....

Lover of angst and conflict, she enjoys putting her characters through the emotional wringer and bringing them out the other side with an HEA or at the very least, a HFN.

Sue is a PAN member of Romance Writers of America and also of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. She’s also Editor in Chief at, an online LGBTQ e-zine, and she’s a Charity Board trustee at in London. 

She’s passionate about research for her books and has stayed in a circus, taken lessons from a blind person on how it feels to be non-sighted, and travelled to a lighthouse with maintenance crew to see first-hand what it’s like inside. She’s also written a screen play with Hollywood actor and heart-throb Nicholas Downs, with a view to taking her latest release, Sight Unseen, to the big screen.

Author's Giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for taking part in this tour and for the wonderful post.

  2. You're welcome!

    I really liked your GP. English is not our native language and several times we have wondered about the correct name for different groups (in Romanian we also have different names for different "groups" of animals, items)
    In plus, our ludic (does work "guy" here?) mind made some... other connections too.
    Enjoy the tour!
