
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

your life can end at any time - Once Upon A Lie by Michael French

"This is a fascinating page-turner. The complicated relationship between both characters is unpredictable. The elements of social injustice are realistic and gripping. [...] Highly recommended." - Goodreads, Artotems


Release Date: March 15th, 2016

Once Upon a Lie is about a smart, ambitious sixteen year old, Alexandra, who chooses to keep silent when she learns terrible secrets about both her father and her mother, whom she grew up adoring. The price of keeping her "perfect" family together soon unravels her well-planned future, and puts in jeopardy the life of a young stranger whom she befriends and ultimately falls in love with. We learn how your life can end at any time, and it can end more than once. And then it can be saved.


Jaleel began to wonder if running away was the smartest thing. Detective Patterson might have forensic evidence, but he couldn’t have any real proof that Jaleel had killed his father. But what Texas jury would believe the story of a twelve-year-old black kid? 

Come on, focus, Jaleel thought as he studied a map from the glove box. His plan was to travel northwest, cross into New Mexico, and ditch the Chevy. He would take a bus to Arizona or California. He would find a place to live, get a job, and go to school. He just hadn’t figured out the details. Maybe he’d have to lie about his age to get work. How expensive were apartments? He had never been completely on his own. He hoped that inside him was a gyroscope, the kind he had read about, with an interior spinning wheel to keep him steady.

About the author:
Michael R. French graduated from Stanford University where he was an English major, focusing on creative writing, and studied under Wallace Stegner. He received a Master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University. He later served in the United States Army before marrying Patricia Goodkind, an educator and entrepreneur, and starting a family. In addition to publishing over twenty titles, including award-winning young adult fiction, adult fiction, biographies ad self-help books, he has written or co-written a half-dozen screenplays, including Intersection, which has won awards in over twenty film festivals. He has also had a long business career in real estate, living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His passions include travel, collecting rare books, and hanging with friends and family. He describes his worst traits as impatience and saying "no" too quickly; his best are curiosity, taking risks, and learning from failure. 

Author's Giveaway
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  1. Thanks for introducing me to this new to me author! The premise of the book sounds intriguing.

  2. I like the premise of this story. This sounds like a good story with a good main character.

  3. Sounds great ! Thanks for the chance .

  4. This sounds like a book I would find interesting. Thank you for promoting it.

  5. This sounds like a book my tween niece might like also :) I hope I can read it when she's done, lol ;)

  6. I like the description for Once Upon a Lie but the excerpt has me wanting to read it to find out what happens to poor Jaleel.

  7. interesting excerpt. It certainly emphasizes that he is not a bad kid!

  8. are there any plans to change the cover?

  9. Sounds right up my alley! :) Definitely on my to-read list now.

  10. 12 sounds like as good an age as any to start a new life.

  11. Thank you for your comments about Once Upon A Lie. I can promise readers there are twists and turns, and page turning suspense, before we learn the ultimate fates of Jaleel and Alexandra.

  12. Fantastic excerpt! :) Thank you for the great share!
