
Saturday, October 31, 2015

My Life as I Knew It by Brenda Thornlow

What would you do if you were sent back in time for some unknown reason? When Brianna wakes up this morning she will be faced with that very question. Brianna lives in New York with her husband, the love of her life, Greg.


What would you do if you were sent back in time for some unknown reason? When Brianna wakes up this morning she will be faced with that very question. Brianna lives in New York with her husband, the love of her life, Greg. She's happily married, has a great job, travels around the world and this year will be celebrating her birthday in style. Until the morning she wakes up in an apartment 3,000 miles from where she and Greg live, and seventeen years in the past! Returning to a life she hoped she would never have to think about ever again, much less relive!

"Brilliantly woven story about a woman's journey through the ups & downs of young adulthood. Brianna travels into the past, with a 20-20 insight about the future. What's intriguing is that the other characters in her life are unaware of this. This book made me think, if I could travel into the past, would I change anything?" - Goodreads, Katherine

"I loved the plot, very engaging and kept me intrigued throughout. Well done, Ms. Thornlow! I'll be watching for the sequel!!"- Goodreads, Maari

About the author:
I started writing at a very young age, mostly as an escape from the real world. It is something I have done on and off throughout my life, but never went so far as to actually try and get published. 

I started my latest story, My Life As I Knew It, around 3 years ago. I was on a roll with it until I allowed life to get in the way. I am now officially picking up where I left off. It is the first book of a series on which I'm working.

I came up with the premise for this story while undergoing some pretty harsh challenges in my personal life. As mentioned before, I always liked writing as a means of escape. While going through these particularly tough times, I had a moment when I thought about what it would be like to go back in time and do certain things differently...which I'm sure almost everyone has thought about from time to time. I sat in front of my keyboard one morning, thought about what I would do if I had that chance and went from there.

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Author's Giveaway

1 comment:

  1. The rafflecopter is not completed. Whoever set it up needs to put in who to follow on Twitter. It's just blank so the links don't go anywhere; they won't even click open.
