
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Addictions can be broken. - Pandora Wild Child by Sunniva Dee

Published: October 28th, 2014


I’m free. Fucking free!
I’m in college with my best friends and far, far from home!

With my Scheuermann’s disease as the excuse, my father kept me locked up at home all through high school. Here in Deepsilver, I can finally be me, Pandora, so—

Why the hell should I hold back?
They accept our fake IDs at Smother, our local haunt. I’m the life of the party, everyone loves me—hell, I could get away with murder in this place! Drunk off my ass, I dance on the bar, and—

I’m on top of the world!
I need to get my shit together, though. If I don’t pull off good grades, my father won’t pay my tuition. There’s no way I’m moving back into his “fortress.”

At the bar, I set my eyes on a gorgeous stranger. My plans don’t involve him long term; one night should be enough. But Dominic is more than I bargained for. God, I’m so drawn to this man. My skin hums at his touch because—

He expels the shadows of my past and replaces my pain with desire.
Perfect Dominic. Beautiful, graduating, soon-to-move-on-with-his-life Dominic.

I’m a wild child. A hot mess. Not grownup and focused like him. He’s addictive, and I am weak, but—screw this; I can wean myself off him! With the right antidote—

Addictions can be broken.
Lust and Love in Erotic Romance 

Hi there! I’m Sunniva Dee, and I am the author of the newly released Pandora Wild Child, a new adult novel brimming with hotness. It’s made me think about where the limit goes between the genres. When is a romance book new adult or regular contemporary, and when does it tip all the way over into the erotic genre? 

I think everyone has their own opinion. In my mind, erotica is more about the sex than about the plot and the storyline. In new adult, there’s a good mix. There has to be real conflicts, real love. For me, sex should be hot as all get-out, breathtaking not just for the characters, but for the readers too. But at the same time, it’s got to serve a purpose. If the sex is in the book for the sex alone, and not to drive the storyline or the character development forward, then I’d label the book erotica instead of new adult. To be honest, I haven’t read many pure erotic novels. Of the ones I have read and liked with this name tag, the authors have conveyed love in a genuine, believable way. Examples being Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James, Real by Katy Evans, and Slade by Victoria Ashley. All great reads, where love is as important of a message as the sex. Depending on their characters’ age group and their setting, these books could have been new adult, I feel. And if you liked them, you might enjoy mine too. ;)

Thanks so much, Mythical Books, for hosting Pandora and me today! 
About the author:
I write New Adult fiction with a paranormal twist and don’t shy away from romance and heart-wrenching passion when necessary.

I moved from Norway to the United States in 2001, and the first awesome five years I spent in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles. Then I read “The Book,” aka Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which spurred my husband and me to move cross country to beautiful Savannah, Georgia.

I’m currently on my seventh year in the Deep South, where I enjoy the heat and the humidity. Besides writing, I spend my time with our “petting zoo” as in an opinionated parrot, a herd of cats that are experts on keyboard shortcuts, and puppies that…uh, bark.

I hold a Master’s degree in languages, with concentrations within literature and linguistics. I taught at college level for a decade before settling in as a graduate adviser at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Writing is my passion, my joy, and my addiction. When I’m not writing, I read.
Shattering Halos is my debut novel, and its standalone sequel, Stargazer, is due out later this year.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so, so much for hosting Pandora and me!

