
Friday, April 4, 2014

Interview and Giveaway: The Pact by Graeme Brown


Enter the world of Will Lesterall, a boy who’s grown up in the safety of his father’s castle.

Tales of the outside world ruled by warring kings and creatures of nightmare have never seemed a threat, yet on the night celebrating two hundred years of the sacred Pact that has kept Fort Lesterall safe, intrigues ripen, and in the course of a few hours Will is confronted with a choice greater than he can comprehend.

Join an unlikely hero as destiny pulls him into the middle of an ancient conflict between fallen gods and ambitious women, one that demands blood, both holy and wicked, and the power of an ancient fire bound in steel. As swords clash below a watching wood, hope and betrayal war as fiercely as fear and valor.

Whether he lives or dies, Will Lesterall will never be the same.


What do you think about our day fantasy literature? 
I think the boundary between fantasy and mainstream fiction is blurring. Writing explores universal themes, and fantasy, originally rooted in imagination and myth, is crossing over into the real. I’d like to see this continue and, as a writer, enjoy creating stories that could be true. 

What fantasy stories bring in our life? 
Fantasy stories explore possibilities. When you step into another world, where anything is possible, and find things that are familiar, you appreciate the deeper truths of life that might be hidden in the turmoil of everyday life. 

What a fantasy story must have? 
Fantasy is about the grand and the mythic. I write epic fantasy, so for me it’s important to have a secondary world that is as unique and rich as the one we live in. World details must be well-thought-out, characters should be strong and believable so that our experience of the fantasy world is that much stronger. 

What a fantasy story should avoid ? 
It is tempting to get carried away with world-building. I think a writer of fantasy needs to build an iceberg and give the reader the best-polished tip to hold onto during their journey. I’ve read several stories that get bogged down with info-dumps and have myself learned to cut this back – sometimes less is more, especially when it’s implied between the lines and adds depth. 

What would you say to those who refuse to read fantasy? 
You’re missing out on an opportunity to explore universal human truths and unlimited imagination at the same time. There are so many authors and varieties of fantasy—if you’ve read some and found yourself disappointed, then I suggest you keep trying different blends. It is an ever-developing field.


Will felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Lie down,” the woman cooed.

The blade glowed like the moon through its sheen of blood and Will obeyed slowly, feeling the stone’s icy kiss against the back of his neck. He cursed himself in his mind, but the voice had no power. That was your only chance. You’re dead now. There’s no stopping her.

He still shook with grief, his whole body cold. He saw Robin and the fear in his brother’s eyes. The pain. Will wanted to run, but his body wouldn’t move. Finally, he closed his eyes, whimpering, folding up his legs and turning on his side.

He waited and waited, but the moment didn’t come. He waited more, before finally summoning the courage to open his eyes…
About the author:
Graeme Brown has been enchanted by the epic fantasy genre since he was a child, and consequently he started creating his own world with its stories at the age of thirteen. Influenced by writers like J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and George R. R. Martin, he has finally brought the first of those stories to life with his debut title, a short story called The Pact—48 pages that will whisk you away to a dark, medieval fantasy world with gritty realism. When he’s not writing, he can be found exploring number theory problems or writing computer programs, training for a marathon, or unwinding in a yoga hot room. He has also explored other facets of art, both as a hobby and a profession, including vector graphics, pen and ink, classical piano, and web design. He just finished writing the first of many sequels to The Pact, A Thousand Roads.

Tour Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today. You have an awesome blog. Love the background art and the cover collection.
