
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Interview and Giveaway: Escape In You by Rachel Schurig


This new adult contemporary romance contains mature themes and is recommended for ages 18+

This is a complete story with no cliffhanger!

Jet Taylor is the quintessential bad boy. A womanizer. A fighter. Dangerous. The type of guy most girls do their best to avoid. But Zoe Janes is no saint herself. In fact, she sees in Jet the perfect opportunity to distract herself from her responsibilities at home and the mistakes that keep her trapped there. He’s gorgeous, likes to party, and is clearly only interested in having fun—just like Zoe.

The more time they spend together, the harder it is for Zoe to stick to her “fun only” mantra. Jet is getting under her skin, making her believe things could actually be different. She knows they’re both trapped by the sins of their past but Jet is starting to make her think freedom might actually be possible.

And that makes him the most dangerous boy of all.

Thank you, Rachel Schurig 
Why not a cliffhanger and why was so important to announce its absence in book description? 
I like a good cliffhanger but I know some readers get a little tired of them. I wanted readers to know that they would get a full story in this book without having to spend more money to find out what happens. There is a sequel coming out this month but it focuses on other characters in the first book. 

From what I could see, it’s a trend that the characters of a romance must be “damaged” people. It’s seems like the regular people cannot suffer from love, that they are always happy. Why do you think the readers want such characters and how hard it is for a writer to transform some (regular) people’s love story in a great one? 
I think you are right about that trend! In my opinion, some readers like to see a love story as a massively powerful thing, something that can transform even the darkest past into a happy ending. It feels inspiring and very emotional to see characters go from a broken place to a whole place. I’ve also written several books where the back-story of the character isn’t nearly so traumatic. I think even when writing about “regular” people I still try to make the love story transformative. No matter what kind of life a character is living I want the love story to be the most powerful thing they experience. 

How unpredictable a love story can be and what do you do (or a writer in general must do) to keep the reader’s interest? 
Keeping interest is definitely very hard. I don’t like to throw tons of twists and turns at the reader; I would rather the story progress in a natural way so it’s believable. I think if you write interesting characters, people will care about what happens to them and stay engaged with the story. 

You wrote a short story for Holiday Wishes. What is harder (for you) to write: a novel or a short story? Why? 
A short story is a lot harder for me! I’ve always been someone who writes (and talks!) too much. In college I was one of those students that never had trouble meeting an essay word count. Instead I would sometimes get marked down for going over! In novels, I like to really get into my characters and make them interesting and multi-layered and I find that very hard to do in a short story. Luckily, the story in Holiday Wishes was based on characters I’d already written about. That made it much easier to get into their heads to write about a few days in their lives. 

What is your opinion about the “bad boy myth” There are any chances to change one and get to keep it? 
I like bad boys so long as they are interesting characters. If they’re just mean for the sake of being mean or tough I don’t find them very appealing. However, if they have an interesting and complicated back-story I usually find that attractive. I don’t think the point is to change the bad boy. Instead, I really like books where the bad boy is able to let down his tough exterior and truly be himself. Romances where the heroine helps him to do that are some of my favorites. 
Thanks so much for having me on your blog!

About the author:
Rachel Schurig lives in the metro Detroit area with her dog, Lucy. She loves to watch reality TV and she reads as many books as she can get her hands on. In her spare time, Rachel decorates cakes. Her THREE GIRLS series is available now from Amazon!

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This book sounds really awesome. Thanks for this awesome giveaway.


  2. This book sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Beautiful cover! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  4. This book sounds like a great read! :) Thanks so much for sharing :) It is now on my TBR list. I also love the cover :) Happy Reading! :)

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  6. Hmm.. this sounds promising. thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I love finding new authors & having the opportunity to sample their works, so that I can expand my library!! Thank you so much for helping me to experience the many worlds they take me to!!

  8. I like the "good " bad boy as well, I think they make for an interesting layered character that is very attractive

  9. Thanks for the Giveaway! I love it when there is 'good' in both the 'bad' boy and girl especially when they find each other! Strong characters are a must...

  10. Would like to have the fun reading this tempting book :D
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  11. Thank you for the giveaway! I love your blog! The book sounds wonderful and I've added it to my tbr list! :-)

  12. It is so rare to find a good book about a bad boy. Thanks!

  13. I'm so glad this is a complete book, without a cliffhanger. Not bad either that our main man is a bad boy.

  14. Rachel is a new-to-me author. Thanks for the heads up!

  15. Thank you for the giveaway! I like your blog! The book sounds promising :D

  16. It sounds like I would devour this book! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize, wow! So excited to read this now.

  17. thank you for the giveaway!

  18. Interesting interview! Thanks for the giveaway!
