
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Guest Post, Excerpt and Giveaway: Besieged (She Who Dares #1) by L.P. Lovell

Published: February 14th, 2014


What would you do if you were granted millions of pounds and a face that melts the underwear off of any woman? Meet Theodore Ellis, the business man who parties like a rock star, and has more women than he has room on his bedpost to put the notches. 

Meet Lilly Parker. With a difficult past; Lilly is cold, closed off and emotionally unavailable in every way. Don't go thinking she's the sweet and innocent victim though, she plays the game better than most men, and is the original use and abuse woman. 

She's built her walls ten feet high and topped with razor wire, but Theo is relentless in the face of a challenge and Lilly finds herself besieged by him. Can he get in her pants? Or will the unsuspecting man whore go a step further and finally tear down her walls? Unlikely. 

This is no hearts and flowers love story, it is a battle of wills as a woman who trusts no-one denies a man who has never been denied. 

Cue fireworks as female sass meets alpha male tenacity. 

Besieged will make you laugh, fantasize and perhaps even shed a tear.


Well, I’m no expert as I’ve only written one book, but I know what I hate as a reader, and believe me I’ve read a lot of erotic novels. I’m not a pervert I promise! 

My main hate in any book is a weak female character, and it’s a mistake some authors make. I think erotic readers like their strong men, but that doesn’t mean you need to have weak women. 

A mistake I have seen erotic authors make is falling into cliche terms when writing sex scenes. You would assume a sex scene is easy to write, but finding the right language for a sex scene is incredibly difficult. Too blunt and it’s crass, too cryptic and it’s cliche and brings the reader out of the scene. Terms like ‘my sex’ annoy me, I mean really!? It’s a vagina, just crack on with it. 

I think another mistake is unrealistic sex scenes and overly kinky scenes. A woman coming three times, fine, it can be done easily enough. A man coming three times, never. 

When it comes to the kink factor...for me, if an author can grip me with a simple sex scene, have me feeling the passion and the need, I’d much sooner read this than some extreme kinked up scene. 

These are just personal opinions. I have lots of them!


This guy thinks he's god’s gift to women. Oh, I am going to enjoy rejecting him. I step closer to him until my lips are only a few inches from his. I lean up to whisper in his ear. "You just sealed your own failure. I hate arrogance, and I hate assumption even more. You assume I'll sleep with you. My eyes flick confidently down his body. "Never. Going. To happen."
About the author:
I'm a 24 year old Indie Author from England. I'm a real country bumpkin and I love to read. I can easily finish a book in an afternoon!

My love of literature lead me to write my first book Besieged. I have quite a cutting sense of humour, and HATE soppy love stories. I like sass and fire in my characters. 

This is what Besieged is, sass and cutting humour.

I hope you'll read it so I can be the next E.L James and just write kinky books all day. Ha.I love being an author and it makes my day when someone sends me a message telling me they enjoyed my book. If even just one person enjoyed it then it was worth writing it.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds like a great change of pace. I'd love to finally see a female lead who starts out strong *stay* strong! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Awesome cover love it a lot looks awesome.

  3. This book sounds awesome! I love strong female characters! LOVE THEM!

  4. I LOVE The Sound of this one for sure! Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. I just love the battle of the sexes theme in this story. Can't wait to read this book.
