
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Guest Post and Giveaway: Model Position by Kitsy Clare

Release date: February 20, 2014


In Manhattan’s glitzy gallery scene love and art are perilous games. 

Will Sienna dare to play?

All too soon, artist Sienna Karr will graduate art school and be flung out into Manhattan’s glamorous but cutthroat gallery scene. Luckily, she’s just met Dave Hightower, heir to the hippest gallery ever. He’s asked her on a date, and offered to introduce her to the gallery owner, his intimidating aunt Lydia. Sienna’s excited! Now she’ll be able to climb the ranks and make those all-important art connections. 

Trouble is, she’s falling hard for the sexy live drawing model, Erik, whose sizzling green eyes seem to pierce right into her soul. Dare she risk losing those potential art contacts for love? Erik insists that Sienna is a real talent and her painting stands out above all the others. But she worries that he whispers this come-on line to every pretty art student who flocks around him during breaks. And her friends worry, is Erik up to her pay grade? What kind of guy chooses modeling for a living? Who is he, really? Her choice may be her ruin—or not—but she must decide fast. Everything in Sienna’s super-organized life is turning to terrifying yet sweet chaos.

"Kitsy Clare paints a provocative picture with words - a sexy montage of art, beauty, lust and love as colorful as any artist’s canvas." -Share my Destiny, romance book blogger

"A captivating and sensual work of art!" -Jaycee DeLorenzo, author of The Truths About Dating and Mating

Model Position is sexy, suspenseful and oh, so hard to put down. Kitsy Clare mixes a skillful, fast-moving story as Sienna, a talented but uptight art student takes on the trendy New York art scene. She’s caught between the pull of ambition and the possibility of steamy, but true-blue love in the form of Erik, a delicious male model with no connections. Or is he true? And is Erik really all he seems to be?” -Helen Mallon, author of Indecent Exposure & other short stories;

All about New Adult Lit by Kitsy Clare 

New adult is exploding! It’s the latest trend since cyber-cop TV shows and the resurgence of contemporary realistic YA fiction. Or is it new? How old is it anyway? Its origins pretty much trace back to a contest that St. Martins Press ran back in 2009. In their words: “Since twenty-somethings are devouring YA, St. Martin’s Press is seeking fiction similar to YA that can be published and marketed as adult—a sort of an “older YA” or “new adult.” 

Sounded great! As a natural extension of YA, we’d be able to follow plucky teens into their first jobs, first apartments, and their first long-term relationships—yummy, horrid or hilarious. Uh, yeah, remember your twenties? There were so many weird and wacky events, parties, and hot, horny guys swirling around! With new adult, authors were also granted permission to turn up the heat level without feeling they had to go all the way into erotica. 

Still, after that first NA contest, with St. Martin’s editors S. Jae-Jones (photo left) and Georgia McBride making valiant efforts to prod this new genre into full being, it took a while for it to catch hold. Granted there were books like Sittenfeld’s Prep that fit the bill, but they weren’t marketed as new adult. 

Is new adult chick lit? Some of it, yes, it’s post-adolescent, early to mid twenties exploration, and often it’s a ride full of giddy belly laughs. But chick-lit was also known for its fluff, it’s glossing over of issues. Perhaps that’s why it went out of favor, or at least the label “chick lit” did. Actually, the genre is still alive and well as seen in this Goodreads list. So, what’s the difference between chick lit and NA, you ask again? Chick lit encompasses women characters, anywhere from 20 to 60. New adult focuses on 18 to 26 year-olds. NA authors are invited to delve deeply into issues and problems, such as Tammara Webber’s (photo below) exploration of abuse in Easy. 

On the other hand, NA characters don’t have to be utterly broken. The genre has room for plenty of variety. There are supernatural NAs, and funny NAs, and ones about ridiculously hardnosed hipsters. 

If you’re trying to write NA, it’s good to start with what you know and what you’re passionate about. Also where you find the kind of guys you naturally swoon over. I like smart, wildly creative hunks. So, my new adult novella is about a realm I know intimately—the Manhattan art world. I’ve shown my paintings here, and I have many outrageous tales to tell about it! Fictionalizing them, of course. J 

Model Position focuses on Sienna, a pretty young artist poised on the precipice of the Manhattan gallery scene. She’s terrified, talented and ambitious. She’s also an obsessive neat freak and it’s kicking in harder as her grad school graduation nears. Sienna’s faced with a tough choice: follow her ambition and date Dave, heir to the trendiest gallery in Chelsea, or her heart by getting to know Erik, the live drawing model. But who in his right mind models naked for a living? And who is Erik, really? 

What do you like best about NA? Have you ever wanted to write it? 

About the author:
When Kitsy Clare isn’t creating romances on her Mac Air, she teaches writing workshops. She also loves to draw, travel, read spicy romance, sci-fi and all kinds of thrillers. She divides her time between New York City and her Catskills studio, where she enjoys the sounds of birds, bullfrogs and the random coyote. 

She also writes young adult fiction as Catherine Stine. Her YA futuristic thriller, Fireseed One won finalist spots in both YA and Science Fiction in the 2013 USA Book News International Book Awards, and was an Indie Reader Approved notable book. Her YA Refugees, earned a New York Public Library Best Book. Ruby’s Fire, the new companion novel to Fireseed One, is receiving high praise from reviewers. She’s a member of RWA, SCBWI and SFWA. She loves her readers and enjoys hearing from them.


  1. Yes, I think art and artists are sexy. They have to open themselves up completely--let their raw emotions direct their work. A creative mind is very seductive.

  2. Love the cover looks real good book looks very cool to.

  3. A book that deserves to be readed. I think the plot is interesting. And I like the cover.

  4. Thanks for this awesome giveaway !

  5. Yes I do because through art you see the real person behind it. I think that being exposed and vulnerable can be attractive.

  6. Hi! Tried to follow Catherine's blog on GFC but kept getting an error message...

  7. Hi, thanks for the guest post, and Ms Chris, have you tried to follow Idea City through Linky? Sorry you had trouble through GFC! Here's my blog again, Kitsy
    aka Catherine

  8. Congrats on the book. NA is a growing category, and for good reason.

  9. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! Congratulations on the book. I love the idea behind the book because it's fresh! That is what I believe is NA, thank you Kitsy your book is intriguing. Way back when I was an artist(sorry hands eye coordination not very good).. you invest so much time and talent into your models because you would reuse those you really liked! Artsy people are really great subjects to work with I am glad that you have this in "Model Position" cannot wait to find out what happens!! Thanks for the link for your blog and have a great tour. NA is here to stay(I think) and so are you!.

  10. Yes art and artists are sexy. It lets you see the soul in ways words and actions can't.

  11. Not really sure how to answer this one. I don't think that a person's Sex appeal is based on their hobbies or their talent. It's based on the individual as a whole, their looks, & their personality....I mean I've met some men who are oooolala to look at, but when you actually meet & get to know them, they are no where near as sexy as they appear.....

  12. I think having a passion for something is sexy, and that would include artists.

  13. They are sexy because of their originality.

  14. Yes I think they are sexy when they can offer up something different.
