
Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Release Day! Author's Q&A and Giveaway Tyler Nitbone by Imran Siddiq


Tyler can Cross into parallel realities. Employed by a secret organization, he collects data about worlds encountered to improve the Alternate Worlds Map.

Except the organization have apprehended him, tampered with his memory, and accused him of a crime he can't recollect.

They must have the wrong seventeen-year old? Nope - even Tyler's friends have evidence against him.

There are rules to being a Alternate Worlds Viewer:
DO NOT interact with the environment.
DO NOT interfere with events.
DO NOT reveal the ability to Cross.

Tyler has broken with one. But which? All of them?

Worst of all he hates his surname: Nitbone.

Chased by the organization, he will Cross into explosive worlds to uncover the real traitor or risk the lives of zillions.

Tyler Nitbone must interfere to undo the interference.


Why YA is the best genre 
During the 1990s as a teenager I found very little YA to read, especially in the Fantasy or Science Fiction arena. Most teenager novels were female orientated or didn't reach the levels of the standard set my movies such as Star Wars or the gaping gap left by JRR Tolkien. Sure there were fantasy and Sci Fi novels for the adult market, but as a 13-year boy I struggled to find much to keep me content. And that's why I'm writing YA Sci Fi with young male POV - because boys need something to entertain them too.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? 
Descriptive narrative. How much is too much? How much is not enough? What words to use? Do they need to know about the lever on the door because it might become important later. There are moments where I cringe at long passages of descriptions. Reading other authors’ and how they tackle this always helps.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 
I’m a hard working author that has to balance the day job, which a strenuous role of responsibility, be ever present on the Social Media scene, and always look after my dearest cats. The time it takes to write and bring out something to the public eye takes courage, effort and belief. Please, do leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and other Vendors to let me know if I’ve done well, bad, or just enough. Your feedback helps to reward or instruct us of how to continue. We need you

About the author:
Imran Siddiq may have tried to leave Leicester a few times, but its become his place to wake up to two cats, freeze when the heating’s off and most of all, get down to writing. At a young age, his primary school teacher commented on his creativity and ability to tell stories. At the age of 29, during a night in the jungle, the bug inside awakened, and for the last 5 years he’s been sacrificing every second that he can to write. A veteran of writing festivals, a presence on Twitter and gobbling up all forms of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, he hopes he can bring a smile to others in the same way that he had, aged 5, reading with a torch under his duvet. Imran’s preferred genre is YA Sci Fi, and he has a tendency to throw a droid in every novel.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I never have seen that book, but sounds interesting. Sounds good and it's something different.
