
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blossom by Jennifer Martinez


My name is Maia. I'm a princess, a fae princess to be exact. But I don't want to be.
See, my whole life, I've always been the center of attention, and I've never understood why. Give me boring, ordinary, and simple any day. It's hard enough trying to work my way through high school. Add running a kingdom to that? Yea, not so much. Magic, mystery, fairies. I just want to pass driver’s ed.

We reach the gates to the castle and as they open I turn around and wave one last hello to all the people who have been anxiously awaiting my return for sixteen years. I step through the gate and into the castle grounds. As soon as the wooden doors close my shoulders relax. Heaton steps up and takes my hand as he leads me to the main castle door. The castle is unlike anything I have ever seen before. There is not one bit of stone creating the massive pillars and walls housing the fae royalty. It is like a much larger version of the banyan tree by the entrance to the veil. The gray roots hang from the branches of the massive tree creating the spires of the castle. The trunk of the tree is inlayed with small weaved roots creating a natural filigree. While I walk in awe towards the world’s biggest tree house, Heaton points out all the different areas of the castle and tells me where the garden is. We walk through the massive stained glass doors and into the castle. The inside of the castle is just as beautiful and breathtaking as the outside. Instead of the thick, strong roots and branches of the outside the walls on the interior are laid with thin roots that nearly resemble spider webs. The trees and branches braid together to create a winding staircase that circles the edge of the grand entryway. Heaton must see the awe in my face because he quietly whispers, “Come Princess, I will show you to your quarters.”

About the author:
One day while slaving away at her monotonous day job, Jennifer Martinez found her true calling. Like a firefly in the night, the pages called to her. Once she caught the bug there was no stopping it. Her fingers flew furiously across the keyboard winding tales of love, mystery and anger. She snapped out of her reverie to find herself still behind the desk but at least she knew who she was… Author Jennifer Martinez.
I like to think of myself as a beautiful conundrum. When I am not writing, I can be found surrounded by my amazing family and 4 dogs or volunteering at a local animal rescue. I love who I am and don’t mind at all when I get strange looks from people. I am a tattoo covered, child and animal lover who looks forward to destroying peoples preconceived notions of what “someone like me” would be interested in. You only live life once… you may as well make it interesting.
I love to get lost in a good book and hope that everyone will get lost in mine.

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