
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Necromancer's Seduction by Mimi Sebastian Book Tour

Release Day: July 15th, 2013
Publisher: ImaJinn Books
Cover artist: Patricia Lazarus


She has never feared the walking dead. It’s the power required to reanimate the dead that startles her, seduces her. The power that dwells inside her…and is growing.

For Professor Ruby Montagne, being a necromancer has brought her nothing but heartache, and she walked away from that part of her life long ago. However, her quiet existence in San Francisco is shattered when she stumbles upon the body of a slain witch, and the supernatural community insists she transform him into a revenant to track the killer. But his murder was just the beginning, and Ruby soon realizes that the stakes are higher than anyone can imagine—and that revenants have nasty minds of their own.

Now demonic creatures have escaped into the human world, and zombies once again walk the streets. For humanity’s sake, Ruby forms an unlikely alliance with a witch, a zombie, and Ewan March, a demon warrior who sets her senses on fire.

She’s always distrusted demons and Ewan is no exception, but circumstances push them closer together, and Ruby not only finds it harder to resist him, she isn’t sure she even wants to. But she suspects his job of patrolling the portal separating humans and demons conceals a dark and deadly past that may consume them both.

With events spiraling out of control, Ruby unravels a plot that not only threatens the human and demon realms, but puts Ruby’s very soul in jeopardy. Because when the dead walk, no one is safe. Especially Ruby.


Ewan waved me over to an empty expanse of the porch circled with candles of various shapes and colors, casting an ominous glow that barely chased off the shadows skulking around the room. I walked over, steering clear of the screen.

“Will this do?” he asked.

I nodded. “Where’s Adam’s body?”

“In the basement. Do you want it brought up now?”

“No.” Achieve inner calm while peeking at the dead body, worried it’ll pop up and jump on me? Not likely.

“All right then, I’ll leave you alone.” He didn’t move. The lines around his mouth softened. “I want to apologize for last night. I wasn’t acting very gentlemanly.”

“Gentlemanly?” I smiled. The tension eased from my shoulders. “I’d never use gentleman in the same breath as demon.”

“Now I’m offended.” The crinkle of his eyes told me the opposite. “We demons are quite chivalrous.”

“Chivalrous? I suppose you have a white horse hidden away somewhere?”

He’d somehow moved closer during our exchange and grazed my cheek with his finger. “White horse,” he whispered close to my ear, “boring.”

He lowered his lips to mine but stopped short of touching them, tracing my back with his hand, gliding it up my neck to wrap his fingers in my hair. Our bodies were close but not touching; only our breaths met in a hot exchange. He gazed at my lips before possessing them with his own.

I swayed and caught his shoulders to steady myself. I moaned at the electric shock searing a path from my lips to my core. Feeling, tasting him was better than I ever allowed myself to imagine.

Ewan consumed me.
I wasn’t ready to be consumed.


The zombie was so close I could smell its foul odor, more retching than one hundred rats decomposing in a dark basement. Too close. His hand clamped onto my arm, feeling like a cold noodle. Yuk.

Using the handrail as leverage, I spun, throwing the zombie off balance but inadvertently jerking him closer to me, close enough to see his oozing red-rimmed eyes. He hadn’t been dead long. His flesh was intact. He grinned at me, revealing black teeth, then squeezed one of my fingers down to the bone. I winced.

He garbled, the sound made when gargling water in the throat, then emitted a starved rasp, the hunger of the undead. Never satisfied. Always voracious.

Adrenaline spiked my limbs. I spotted a fire extinguisher on the wall and reached out with my whole body, using my fear as a medieval stretching rack until my joints popped. My fingers tickled the fire extinguisher until I managed to wrap my hand around the metal spout on the top and wacked the zombie across its head, causing it to tumble back down the stairs. I dropped the extinguisher in disgust, noting the bits of bloody flesh stuck to the bottom. I ran out the door and down the hall to the stairs on the opposite side of the building, the zombie’s furious clomps behind me.

About the author:
Noemi Ghirghi writes as Mimi Sebastian and raised herself on books and the strange and unusual with an unhealthy dose of comics and Scooby Doo. Loving angst-filled romance thrown in the mix, she decided to blend all those elements in a steamy mix in her first Urban Fantasy series, the Necromancer Books. The first book, The Necromancer’s Seduction, debuts July 15, 2013, with ImaJinn Books.

Noemi spent two years in the Ivory Coast with the Peace Corps and loves to introduce tid-bits from her experiences in her writing. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America and the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA. A transplant from the beaches of Florida, Noemi now wanders the desert in Phoenix, AZ, and attempts to balance writing with a day career, fantastic family, and household diva: her Amazon parrot.