
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lunangelique (Lunangelique #1) by Kristin R. Campbell


For Alexis and Alex life has been great. They have loving parents, great friends and live a life every teenager dreams. However, they are adopted and Alexis struggles with wanting to know who their real parents are and not wanting to hurt her adopted parents. Then, a stunning guy moves across the street from them. One who has a secret past and seems to know things about Alexis. One who does mysterious things and leads her to other mysterious persons. One who pushes her to discover her extraordinary birth family and the truth between mythology and religion.

Free at posting on Amazon 

Book #2 and #3


  1. Nu mi se par atat de interesante

  2. Imi place coperta,dar descrierea suna un pic cam tipica. Apare un tip misterios care stie lucruri despre ea si fata descopera secrete din trecut. Mi se pare cam epuizat subiectul. Poate modul de a scrie o face mai diferita de celelalte. O sa o caut de curiozitate pe Amazon si o sa incep sa citesc un pic ca sa ma conving cum este.

  3. coperti frumoase si descriere pe masura

  4. Mie imi plac mai mult descrierile decat copertile.

  5. Cel puțin prima copertă e genială! :) Superbe, nu am ce zice!

  6. Suna bine descrierea, iar copertile mi se par originale.

  7. Copertile sunt foarte dragute.

  8. asa e
    copertile sunt absolut superbe
    prima coperta e preferata mea <3

  9. pare interesanta :-? si imaginile de coperta arata bine ^^
