
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Frailties of the Bond by Angela Brown Book Blitz


Two teens...
Two lies...

Their paths collide...
When one bite changes a life

NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherworldlies:

Those who answer the call from NEO play their part in maintaining balance in our ever-changing times. With power-hungry malcontents, jealous gods, and even those with misguided good intentions, the fate of our world has oft been held in the hands of unsung heroes such as those that are members of NEO.

But before NEO, these heroes and heroines had lives, loves, issues and interests that didn’t involve saving mankind.

In Frailties of the Bond, it only takes one bite to change a life…

After a hiking trip gone wrong, sixteen-year-old Luca should have been dead. Since then, he’s drifted from one school day to the next, annoyed by the looks of suspicion. When a vampire attack claimed his mother and forced his first shift into animal form, Luca set out for Texas, vengeance bound, only to discover so much more when Aimee crossed his path.

Flesh-born of vampire parents sixteen years ago, Aimee shouldn’t exist. Magic, though, made dreams come true for an undead couple desperate for a child all their own. But this magic came with a price, a cost Aimee discovered after one forbidden bite.

About the author:
Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home.

Reading and writing have been lifelong passions. It was around the time she gave birth to her forever-love, nicknamed Chipmunk, that she really took writing seriously. After all, how could she teach her child to follow her dreams if she hadn't tried herself?

As a YA fantasy/sci-fi reader and author, she favors the magical, mysterious, the darker side of life...even harbors a secret fright for things that go bump in the night.

NEVERLOVE is a special project spawned from a blog-challenge-turned-blog-opera, the Abby and Basil affair. It is the first in the Shadow Jumpers series.

FRAILTIES OF THE BOND is the first in a series of novellas and short stories introducing heroes and heroines of the secret organization, NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherwordlies.


“That’s not the way to really drink, beautiful.” He pulled down his collar, tilted his neck and exposed his jugular to me. The vein throbbed to the steady beat of his heart. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

Bloodlust slapped me like a cornered beast. Ignored for far too long.

I sprang at Trevor, my bared lips a hair’s breadth from his neck, the pulse teasing and inviting. My lips trembled. They grazed his smooth skin. The very idea of sucking his blood sent fire coursing from my core, splintering throughout my body. My fangs drew forth.

I closed my eyes, resisting long enough to stutter out a squeaky breath.

“Do it,” he rasped.

I sank in my fangs. Hot blood splashed against the roof of my mouth and soaked my tongue. Like the B-shop anty pouches, I sucked it down my throat like melted chocolate. I suctioned my lips to keep every delicious drop within the circle surrounding my puncture marks.

Quivers wracked my body. I dropped my Bloody Joey and held to Trevor for dear life.

He gasped, then started moaning. But not from pain. No. Something else was going on with Trevor.

My heartbeat quickened and I felt…ALIVE. Complete bliss crested like a crescendo where his heart and mine beat as one. This was the wonderful thing my parents kept from me my whole life. For one heartbeat, I despised my parents for keeping me from experiencing such a high. When I opened my eyes, the moment crashed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway Event and Giveaway organized by Xpresso Book Tours


  1. Nu-mi place deloc coperta. Mi se pare aiurea editata si fara nici o legatura cu subiectul, care si asa este destul de folosit :)

  2. Vorba lui furelise, coperta chiar e urata. Subiectul suna binisor, si poate as incerca aceasta carte, insa nu pare extraordinara.

  3. Nu zicea lumea ca nu conteaza coperta? In ceea ce priveste descrierea nu ma las influentata prea mult de ea. Fragmentul promite mai ales prin ultima propozitie "When I opened my eyes, the moment crashed." - deschide ceva posibilitati interesante. Am mai intalnit cateva carti care, contrar informatiilor oferite de coperta/descriere, mi-au placut. IN PLUS, imi place foarte mult scriitoarea. E plina de viata si amuzanta, deci o sansa in plus pentru o carte reusita

  4. Ma aflu intr-o lume paralele sau pur si simplu mi-am pierdut simtul artistic?!- pentru ca, permiteti-mi sa va spun/scriu, este una dintre cele mai frumoase coperti din viata mea- serios, imi place la nebunie- si iata de ce: 1.modelul de pe coperta arata foarte bine(stiu, par superficiala, dar nu m-am putut abtine sa mentionez)
    2.Tatuajul lui- sau ceea ce pare a fi un tatuaj, cu modelul de paun, este- dap, ati ghicit- superb.
    3. Parul lui- e atat de neobisnuit cu nuanta de cenusiu- complet neconventional ceea ce pare sa coincida cu subiectul romanului
    Mai pe scurt- I FLUFFING LOVE IT.

    Asa cum a mentionat deja CCAM- cand am ajuns sa judecam o carte dupa coperta ei?! Nu suntem noi cititori impatimiti care ar da orice sa se piarda intre paginile unei carti, indiferent daca coperta e pe placul nostru? Nu stiu- poate judec prea aspru, dar am fost dezamagita de coperti frumoase, doar ca sa descopar adevarata frumusete in asa-zisele coperti urate- spre exemplu coperta 'Daughter of Smoke and Bone'- am tot evitat sa o citesc, desi o aveam la dispozitie de luni de zile (pentru ca nu-mi placea coperta) doar ca sa descopar ce carte si serie minunata- mai presus de cuvinte- este.
    In plus, dupa lectura micului frament, subiectul pare promitator- si sunt curioasa de ce Aimee spune ca : "When I opened my eyes, the moment crashed."
