
Friday, March 29, 2013

Blood of Ancient Kings by V.J.O. Gardner

Blood of Ancient Kings begins as an evil king is overthrown and his kingdom taken from him on the same day his wife dies in childbirth. He’s devastated and wants to die, but the new king having compassion offers both a punishment and a blessing. He must raise the child on his own – but there is a catch: He is stripped of title and privilege and forced to live among the very people that he abused as king.

The first night in the village, the villagers block the door shut and set the house on fire! He rescues his daughter as the roof falls in! He finds himself surrounded by angry villagers that pelt him with rocks as he runs seeking shelter. He crawls under a bridge and huddles in the mud to protect his infant daughter. For the first time in his life he is truly afraid of death, but not for himself – for his daughter. And that’s when it starts getting exciting!

A medieval fantasy novel that has been loved by teens and adults, both male and female, Blood of Ancient Kings drops two men into new and unfamiliar circumstances. One must figure out how to care for himself and his infant daughter, while the other must learn to lead and defend an entire nation instead of just a troop of men. Each must learn to be a father and gain the respect of others. Follow their children as they find friendship and inner strength while searching for love and their own identities. Meet two brothers that are as different as their fates are. Discover how they cope with life together and apart.

About the author:

Growing up in a small Utah town, I was a voracious reader. In college I took Fantasy Lit and writing classes. I’ve always enjoyed observing people and how they interact based on their individual experiences and upbringing. I found that I enjoyed writing to take a break from the reality of life. After trying my hand at a variety of jobs, I felt it was finally time I begin to publish what I had been writing.

There have been so many great authors that I have learned from and a few very poor ones. I do not presume to compare myself to any other author’s style but only attempt to tell the story in such a way as to immerse the reader in the story. Just as some of the characters spend most of their time trying to figure out where they fit in this life, I too have been searching for a place where I fit only to realize that it’s the journey of discovery that is the most important part of life.


  1. mi-ar placea mult sa citesc aceasta carte, ma fascineaza coperta, imi palce stilul acesta care imprima un aer medieval

  2. nu este chiar genul meu de lectura. oricum, mi-ar placea sa vad un film cu aceasta tema.

  3. Cred ca dintre toate cartile prezentate ieri aceasta imi trezeste cel mai mult curiozitatea (in special pentru ca imi plac foarte mult cartile cu legende, despre legende, cu printi, printese, eroi, eroine, zei, zeite- totul), am citit foarte mult in copilarie carti cu teme asemanatoare si le-am adorat (de la vikingi, pana la regina Elisabeta si fiul ei adoptiv Iacob)- bine, distanta intre cele doua tinuturi nu e foarte mare, dar ma gandeam mai mult la distanta in timp ...
    Dar , cel mai mult mi-a placut legenda regelui Arthur si a lui Merlin (in plus, am urmarit de curand si serialul care era difuzat pe AXN si, desi sunt unele diferente intre serial si legenda (destul de mari), efectele speciale sunt surprinzator de bine realizate :)
    Oricum, revenind la subiect- un rege maleic care si-a pierdut coroana, trebuie sa infrunte multimea furioasa a ceea ce candva, reprezenta regatul sau- greu si nu sunt surprinsa ca multimea ar incerca sa-l omoare cand era mai vulnerabil (daca, chiar a fost un rege atat de imgrozitor), dar banuiesc ca vom avea o poveste de iubire intre fata regelui cel rau si baiatul regelui cel bun, in plus banuiesc, doar banuiesc ca cei doi au fost frati? Nu sunt complet sigura, dar daca luam in considerare : ' Meet two brothers that are as different as their fates are. Discover how they cope with life together and apart.'

  4. Suna destul de bine!Mi-ar placea sa o citesc:D
