
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Unbeautifully (Undeniable #2) by Madeline Sheehan

*Avertisment:  Aceasta carte contine cateva aspecte a celei mai urate parti a vietii; nu este pentru oricine*

*Warning: This book contains several aspects of the uglier side of life; it is not for everyone.* 

The story of Ripper and Danny.

The first time I fell in love it was with a pair of blue eyes and a wide dimpled grin.

“Your old man loves ya, Danny girl,” He whispered. “You never ever forget that, yeah?”

I never did. And I never thought I could ever love any man as much as I loved my father. But as we grow, we change, we begin to make our own decisions and thus become independent and self sufficient and start turning away from our parents and turning to others. We form friendships, strong bonds and ties and begin experiencing life outside of the bubble we grew up inside of.

And we fall in love…a second time.

1 comment:

  1. Suna foarte bine descrierea,si coperta ,mai ales a doua, este superba.
