
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Art first. Love later…or so she thought. - Pacific Blue (A Coastal Romance #2) by Kristina Luckey

"This book was beautiful. I loved every second of it, and I wish that it didn't end up all good things come to an end. It's filled with art, humor and most of all love. It's worth the read." Zamantha, Goodreads

to catch a spy... The Smuggler's Escape by Barbara Monajem

"Not only did I enjoy the humorous situation, the characters personalities and their dialogue, I appreciated being privy to some truly amusing inner thoughts. This is a fun light-hearted Regency certainly worth the read!" Eileen, Goodreads

The Blood Lights are the last thing you’ll see… The Blood Lights by Elaine Pascale

"Just... wow. This book is different from anything I have read before. The strength, the intensity of Pascale's writing shines from the very first paragraph. When I read just the prologue I stopped and showed it to other people "Check this out!"." Mar, Goodreads

Heritage and magic... Exile in Darkness by Annalisa Carr

"Exceptionally well written, this complex and compelling story draws readers in immediately. While Isabella is naive and optimistic about her family, she is surrounded by a circle of friends who are both supportive and honest. It is both frustrating and rewarding to watch her grow from a sheltered trust-fund girl to a woman learning her own power. Maldit is complicated and flawed, but a hero in every sense of the word." Elissa, Goodreads

a familiar stranger... Seeds of Eden (The Concilium #1) by A.P. Watson

"OMG. I loved this read. The story and the characters. I loved how Evey and Conrad were together. Even when they met. I admit it's a little slow to start with then boom can't put it down. I could see this as a movie. Little surprised you the ending. 5*" Susan, Goodreads

Monday, July 29, 2019

Review: Wild Horse by Kyle Richardson

A world where their abilities could change everything … or lead them both to ruin.